That's torn it've now started to shake the already open can of worms!!! PMSL!! :lol: :lol:People confusing point of aim with impact... Again....
Shoot a shotgun like a rifle and comb height is critical, shoot it like a shotgun and comb height - within reason - makes little or no difference to whether or not you hit the clay.The stock of a shotgun works the same as a rifle or handgun rear sight. this may help from Browning.
OKI would think it extremely unlikely that two washers worth of pitch would make a foot of difference to the POI, in fact there are gunsmiths in print who deny pitch makes any odds at all, my own experience of pitch (which I consider important) is that it has a huge affect on mounting ease and recoil phase but nowt on poi.
Like everything else if you know where your gun is pointing there is no problem. An excellent shot at the club I shoot at has his barrels canted at least 25 degrees off vertical every shot.Now that we've thrashed that one out, lets have a discussion on canting. That's always a good one.
If it falls short of 3 pages i'll be disappointed.