picking up !

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Well-known member
Sep 20, 2012
off out picking up tomorrow with my two labs skala and zanti(scar and zan) when working or other things !!!!! picking up on neighbouring estate tomorrow (ramsbury farms) but do travel down to a mates in northleach now and then..just wondered if any clay buddies out there p work dogs too.. :)





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I was beating Saturday 200 bird day and Monday 78 bird day with Amber (Chesapeake). Both days required an extra drive as the guns were "rusty".........

yep - first season with Jed three year old black lab - still very inexperienced and we stay well out of the action so as to bring him on slowly and not ruin him - unfortunately hes a squeeker [not as bad as some but enough to wind me up], Ive tried most of the remedies but no joy

so far hes picked two birds and the plan is only to let him pick one or two per day at most while he serves his apprentiship .


very wet day today but all good and dogs love the working..we do 25 to 30 days a season and some duck flighting and loads of dogging our birds back too..nice to see i have some clay pickers up out there too.... :)



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yep - first season with Jed three year old black lab - still very inexperienced and we stay well out of the action so as to bring him on slowly and not ruin him - unfortunately hes a squeeker [not as bad as some but enough to wind me up], Ive tried most of the remedies but no joy

so far hes picked two birds and the plan is only to let him pick one or two per day at most while he serves his apprentiship .
You should hear my lab :.: Guns on our shoot call him Scooby Doo he "talks" so much. Used to wind me up, now I just tune him out :)

Funny, he only does it when he's on the lead corkscrewed down, roost shooting or flighting woodies he's fine pottering around. Just not steady enough to trust him on a driven day. TBH he's not really a peg dog, he thinks he's a spaniel and loves going with the missus and her springer beating when they need an extra dog :.:

my black lab is mustard in cover and woodland but open ground dead partridges by the pegs forget it looks at me like im joking anyone can see that led there!! been working dogs for a while i am always amazed by how different they all all are .. great when you get those good retrieves though.. :)





Some pics from last season.



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I pick up three days a week with springers. I used to work spaniels in the beating line on other shoots but prefer the high volume of work the dogs get picking up on big shoots.......and the less walking I have to do!

I'm fortunate to pick up on 2 big bag high bird shoots. The pickers-up days and beaters' days at the end of the season are awesome.

When I go clay shooting up my mate's farm I use my dogs for the picking up unbroken clays. Proper lazy. :.:

out tomorrow for our second day, on average its a 180 bird day lots of good dogs which is ideal for us as we can stay clear, my lab is steady to other dogs but as soon as the guns go off he starts to whine, hopefully I can get his whining down to a level that only I can hear

hope to have some pictures to post tomorrow

Just in from a day on one of my regular shoots. Frustrating to say the least - a birthday party shoot for teenagers some of whom have never shot before.

All had instructors stood with them and they're out again tomorrow for the second day of the birthday party!

What an amazing birthday party - all I ever got was jelly and ice cream and if you were lucky a party bag with some stale sponge cake in it laced up with multiple food-colourings. :.:

I bet you didn't have a Promenade Party at your school or be taken to it in a Limousine either. Someone hired a helicopter to take their kids to their Prom. God help the little spoilt brats when they reach the real world! :.:

I suppose its their money and they can spend it how they like. At least here they arebeing intoduced to shooting which can't be a bad thing though it sounds rather excessive.

out tomorrow for our second day, on average its a 180 bird day lots of good dogs which is ideal for us as we can stay clear, my lab is steady to other dogs but as soon as the guns go off he starts to whine, hopefully I can get his whining down to a level that only I can hear

hope to have some pictures to post tomorrow
wish i was out tomorrow could be 300 bird day but had to turn down as kitchen fitting at home...needs to be done or no clay shooting either !!!! lovely being married!!! :wink:


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