pics of our gundogs

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cheers phil

you defo want one now, don't you ?

taken Sunday 19th Feb. Woodland walk in lake district.DSCN0014(1).JPG

I know I've said before but she is such a good looking dog.   absolutely beautiful 

Mrs ips entered eze in a local dog show just for fun. Eze won 1st in "best working dog" a 4th in prettiest bitch and 5th in prettiest face. The judge must have had her eyes closed on the last two I mean come on look at her ?


Mrs ips entered eze in a local dog show just for fun. Eze won 1st in "best working dog" a 4th in prettiest bitch and 5th in prettiest face. The judge must have had her eyes closed on the last two I mean come on look at her ?

View attachment 6597
the first of many let's hope.  I bet you're a very proud mummy and daddy, and yes, she should have first in everything, she's very pretty.

wow that's some pack.

welcome to the forum.

so tell us more about yourself


im dog mad as you can see, I have 2 other pups which aren't in the picture, ones a cocker, others a springer

I love clay shooting, im trying to learn a new technique to improve,  I joined the forum last week, my friend who I clay shoot with recommended it

just working my way through each section...

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