Pre mounting sporting

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Well-known member
Jul 24, 2015
I don`t shoot a lot of sporting, but when i do, i see so many shooters with their gun pre mounted at each stand.

As this discipline is supposed to represent "game" targets, it just looks out of place, and totally unnatural.

My views are biased however, as i shoot "gun down".

And to be very good at sporting you will need to pre mount for certain targets. As most of the top shots do. As soon as the rules allowed it the best in the game used it to their advantage.

It's a simple numbers game.  More targets hit = winner.

Its not a fashion show. 

And incidentally , there are lots of sporting targets which have absolutely  no resemblance  to a game species of any kind. Things have moved on. 

Just saying. 


What Jasper said, to be successful in sporting there times when there will be an advantage with a full pre mount, will add that there does seem to a growing trend by some to have such for every target, which I do find odd

And to be very good at sporting you will need to pre mount for certain targets. As most of the top shots do. As soon as the rules allowed it the best in the game used it to their advantage.

It's a simple numbers game.  More targets hit = winner.

Its not a fashion show. 

And incidentally , there are lots of sporting targets which have absolutely  no resemblance  to a game species of any kind. Things have moved on. 

Just saying. 

Yes things have moved on but not for the better, shoots used to be better, decent targets and not card filling fodder but that’s just my opinion 

Clay shooting is a competition, game shooting is a hobby 😉😄

Hmm. So gun up doesn't have proper technique. 🤔. Keep believing. 

It's a technique  in its own right. The fact is you have not mastered that part of the shooting game  . Whilst you guys are all stuck in tradition with your side by side,  the rest of are using ALL techniques  to our advantage. 


Yes things have moved on but not for the better, shoots used to be better, decent targets and not card filling fodder but that’s just my opinion 
card filling fodder !!   wow you must be AAA          shoots i attend don't seem that easy   for example kegworth tomorrow !   :cool:

I shoot mainly sporting and super sporting now and use gun up and gun down.  I shot fitasc many, many years ago all the time which is gun down and I still like to do that on targets I have a lot of time on or slow incomers/crows etc as it stops me rushing it!  Good to be able to use all methods and techniques.  

Sporting should be shot gun down as it always used to be. It sorts out who can shoot properly and would make people strive to gain proper technique .
Everybody used to shoot side by sides, targets were pigeons, then glass balls. Things change.

Like to use both on any discipline I’m shooting.  Whatever feels comfortable sometimes both on the same stand.  Yes it probably costs me targets particularly gun up but it’s no longer about the score for me apologies to the competitive amongst us.  

There will a number of traps on a (most) CPSA 100 bird shoots which cannot be shot gun down. The setters know you can shoot gun up and so set the course to test all options. Gun up or gun down is just another question to ask the shooter. We are along way from shooting clays as though they are birds - as soon as there are clays that can speed up it might be possible to go back in time !!
