Seeing the shot

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when your coaching or loading I don't think its a case of "actually" seeing the shot as such but a kind of "feel" for were the shot went,. If that makes sense.
With experience, it's more than feel, it's seeing where the barrels are and knowing if that was right or not. 

Hi all, 

Sorry for another thread! 

I am still only a month in and just cannot see if I miss where I am missing, ie high low left or right, is this normal? I just can't see the shot as such? 

Any advice? 


Yes, it's normal for someone as new as you to mostly not have a clue why you miss (or hit for that matter) a clay target.

I takes a while to actually start to be able to self diagnose one's shooting, and it's mostly a feel for where your barrels were in relation to the target when the shot when off.  While we don't look at the barrels at least I am aware, both by feel and by peripheral vision, where they are in relation to the bird.  I suspect most others can too.

And while I can self diagnose some of the time, I can't do it all of the time.  Which is why I get coaching from those more able than me.  I think doing the same will benefit you a whole lot more than trying to see the shot cloud itself (if that's what you mean by "seeing the shot").

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Yes, it's normal for someone as new as you to mostly not have a clue why you miss (or hit for that matter) a clay target.

I takes a while to actually start to be able to self diagnose one's shooting, and it's mostly a feel for where your barrels were in relation to the target when the shot when off.  While we don't look at the barrels at least I am aware, both by feel and by peripheral vision, where they are in relation to the bird.  I suspect most others can too.

And while I can self diagnose some of the time, I can't do it all of the time.  Which is why I get coaching from those more able than me.  I think doing the same will benefit you a whole lot more than trying to see the shot itself.
good post but not sure its about someone more able than you, a trusted friend with experience stood behind can soon determine were your shot pattern is.

see the shot !  I do well to find the shooting ground .   thank god for sat nav .     only ever seen the shot watching other people shoot  in perfect conditions for my old peepers  like overcast weather    the shot  looks like a swarm of bees or gnats   depending on your prescription strength    :cool:   

Thanks very much all. 

When I say seeing the shot, I honestly have no idea generally where I missed, in front, behind etc, that was probably the main thing!! 

The instructor says, where did you miss that, I say no idea, he says, in front and high etc..!! I just wondered if it was something that came over time!

as I said earlier sometimes you can tell sometimes you have no idea..

Thanks very much all. 

When I say seeing the shot, I honestly have no idea generally where I missed, in front, behind etc, that was probably the main thing!! 

The instructor says, where did you miss that, I say no idea, he says, in front and high etc..!! I just wondered if it was something that came over time!
After about a year, I started to figure out where I was. Nothing to do with seeing pellets, it's all to do with realising where you should have been pointing against where you actually moved to..


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