Shoot Clay Support Challenge

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Can you make me a +1 please?

My cousin Mark is coming with - he's an absolute newbie (he's having 1 lesson before we come - never shot before) but will give it a go non-the-less as it's for a good cause.



Growl, the more the merrier is great with us, if any people have not shot or not got a licence, please let me know in advance as we will need a member of our team with them - much rather say now than on the day, but they are welcome and we will look after them - just have to follow through with our policies.

Hi all, as per Phil's comments, anyone who does not have a license or has never shot before please let me know, thanks, best regards Growl


Mark will have shot before (albeit only once!) but does not have a license - if Phil is happy to have Mark accompanied then I am sure he will be delighted to have the help!


No problems at all, we can look at what can be done and also if anyone wants to bring a guest - we could arrange a mini comp including instruction etc, so they can take part in the day and enjoy it without the fear of so many clays and some testing targets - then everyone gains, we get new people in the sport and the charity too. I am sure Growl will keep me informed, but if anyone wants to bring a friend we can run something parallel to the day.

It just goes to show how clayshooters rally round to support a good charity. My friend Maurice Snelling has intimated he may well make a donation to the charity even though he is unable to attend. Paul Bailey to collect it off him.

Now anyone who knows Maurice will know how brilliant that is. 

Come on Paul raise your game.
blood out of a stone comes to mind,but i like a challenge,ill see what he says.   

Thanks 28boreshot, just hope it all goes well and everyone enjoys the day :phew:
I am more than sure they will...good on you for getting it up together and sorted out like you have..hats off to ya mate...the people that come will love it too, what could be better than a big shoot clay meet up and put faces too names on here..roll on 16tth march.. :)
I am more than sure they will...good on you for getting it up together and sorted out like you have..hats off to ya mate...the people that come will love it too, what could be better than a big shoot clay meet up and put faces too names on here..roll on 16tth march.. :)
What 28boreshot said I 2nd

So why don't you come?
Sounds nice, but I have an appointment at 4 Counties the next day! Out ALL weekend is frowned upon by the family.. And a registered shoot will always win for me..

If circumstances are easier nearer the time I might just see if there is a slot!


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