Sporting shoots. Where - and how did it go?

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Should have stayed in bed.  Balltrap would have had a fit and pulled his hair out. ?  

Throckmorton. My first proper shoot without an instructor, got a disappointing 52/100. Had a couple of 9's but also a 2. It was very windy though so I'll blame that!

Took some advice from here and just turned up and asked to join a group.Got introduced to 3 older gentleman that were very friendly and I tagged along with them and laughed at their piss taking of each other. They were only shooting 8 stands so I paired up with another nice chap and his dog for the last two.

Had great fun despite the low score and really enjoyed being let off the leash and shooting with my own licence and without an instructor.
Sounds good mate. Hopefully I'll have my licence this week and I've already put my deposit down on my gun. With a bit of luck I'll be shooting next weekend.  

If that was 21 mph today iam never going to shoot with winds over 15mph. At Northampton today two stands were a complete write off it was affecting the clays a bit but mainly affecting me in the stand as in trying to hold the gun anywhere near the line of the clay. 66 my worst score for several years.
I think 21 was nominal. Gusts were anybodys guess. Just got unlucky with a particularly "up there" set of targets at Weston. Amazed at the 96 HG. 

First time visit to Barrow Heath  :)  targets right up my street with some fast distant loopers and crossers you had to work for, happy with 89 but 1 shy of making joint 3rd in AA, good 24 on their Compak with a small joint payback win. 

Onto Dartford reg which was twice as wind affected as Barrow with a very forgettable score on otherwise rather shootable targets. 

First time visit to Barrow Heath  :)  targets right up my street with some fast distant loopers and crossers you had to work for, happy with 89 but 1 shy of making joint 3rd in AA, good 24 on their Compak with a small joint payback win. 

Onto Dartford reg which was twice as wind affected as Barrow with a very forgettable score on otherwise rather shootable targets. 
Sorry not to of met you, was busy around the ground.......Glad you enjoyed the shoot as you could see no towers or cherry pickers used due to high winds.

Come back soon !!.......well shot too  :smile:

Mate and I did Owls Lodge 100 reg today and man was it windy ! Loads of familiar faces around too  :) , a very good squad to be in and watching some of those stands being straighted helped me along too I reckon. The wind really did cost you birds here and there because it would speed up what didn't need more speed and made a few yoyo around  :blink: , 84 was off the pace but not disgraceful. 

I'm so fed up with the wind and it's here until after this weekend. I don't recall such a long period of it. Kills my style worse than most too.

Acorn shoot King Somborne  run by Des Sturgess  60 bird local shoot 10 stands of 3 pairs in a beautiful setting,first one of the year and a great mix of targets.

only dropped 3 till the last stand and then 3 on that stand :???:

Plus their Skeet Sport,skeet layout plus 2 other targets.2 pairs from each position mix of targets on report and simo pairs,great fun!

And to make it even better the weather was glorious sunshine.warm enough for t-shirts.  :D

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Oncall for work this weekend so couldn't stray too far and no registereds nearby so shot Horne for a bit of practice. Started ok dropping 5 on first 6 stands but then dropped 15 on the last 6 to finish on an 80. Still it was nice get out in the sunshine.

Up bright and early next sat as shooting first of two goes at the RBSS Handicap Challenge at 8am ..

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Mothers' Day chaos here today combined with SWMBO's birthday. How I would love to be shooting, I'm terribly envious of all those who are managing to get out there. This gig - females of all ages clucking 'n twittering in the kitchen - will, it seems, go on for ever.

This is surely not what Sundays were invented for...

Got two shoots in. Booked mothers day for EVENING meal. That's the plan.. shabby 80 at Southdown followed by mediocre 88 at Horne, dropping a daft 5 on last two stands!

Spent the whole of today with Mum. Started off at the garden centre, then stopped to see the grandparents on the way home, give the lawn it's first cut and a few other bits round the garden then went out for dinner.

Managed to get out yesterday and did 300 practice cartridges at Sporting Targets in the morning.  Shot 15 stands of 4-pair, then worked on my consistency on some of the harder/technical/longer targets, then did some work on the three Sportrap layouts, selected the 2 hardest targets on each layout shooting until I'd hit 2 pairs in a row from each stand.  

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