Two this weekend, Bywell Saturday and Aucherhouse Sunday...
Bywell was very good, £37 comp, 12 stands, good birds, lots of variety, next to no ques...didn't shoot well and was lucky to scrape together an 80!!!
Auchterhouse on Sunday, £45 comp, 10 stands of 10, was very, very late finished with the cows and didn't leave the house until after 1.30 (75 mile drive) got there at 2.55, just before last entry's!!! Couldn't stop rushing round, heart beating out of my chest!?!? Lots of stalling incoming stuff, quartering with little to no spring, two good driven...but the cage set up to make you shoot them as weird overhead kind of things, didn't twig I could shoot them as crossers, by standing right in the corner of the cage until the last pair (the disadvantage of going round on our own after everyone has shot).
I powered threw most of what I missed, found it difficult to slow the barrels down...
Strange thing happened on the last stand...I missed the first 4 second birds, a dolly r-l almost overhead floaty crosser, I hadn't taken the gun out f my shoulder, I was locked into the stock on the hold point, everything looked right but they just didn't I took the gun out of my shoulder after missing the 4th one I felt my right eye sort of 'focus'...shot the last pair, taking the gun out of my shoulder between birds, gave it the same sight picture and smoked it!!!
It was as if my eye dominance had switched for a moment when my left eye picked up the clay first and stayed locked onto it, causing me to shoot up the left hand side of the clay??? Possibly tiredness? Stress? Being locked so un-naturally tightly into the gun? or a combination of them all...???
anyway...75 was just poor round there!!!
Bywell was very good, £37 comp, 12 stands, good birds, lots of variety, next to no ques...didn't shoot well and was lucky to scrape together an 80!!!
Auchterhouse on Sunday, £45 comp, 10 stands of 10, was very, very late finished with the cows and didn't leave the house until after 1.30 (75 mile drive) got there at 2.55, just before last entry's!!! Couldn't stop rushing round, heart beating out of my chest!?!? Lots of stalling incoming stuff, quartering with little to no spring, two good driven...but the cage set up to make you shoot them as weird overhead kind of things, didn't twig I could shoot them as crossers, by standing right in the corner of the cage until the last pair (the disadvantage of going round on our own after everyone has shot).
I powered threw most of what I missed, found it difficult to slow the barrels down...
Strange thing happened on the last stand...I missed the first 4 second birds, a dolly r-l almost overhead floaty crosser, I hadn't taken the gun out f my shoulder, I was locked into the stock on the hold point, everything looked right but they just didn't I took the gun out of my shoulder after missing the 4th one I felt my right eye sort of 'focus'...shot the last pair, taking the gun out of my shoulder between birds, gave it the same sight picture and smoked it!!!
It was as if my eye dominance had switched for a moment when my left eye picked up the clay first and stayed locked onto it, causing me to shoot up the left hand side of the clay??? Possibly tiredness? Stress? Being locked so un-naturally tightly into the gun? or a combination of them all...???
anyway...75 was just poor round there!!!