Long day out today with Woody. AGL first thing, then on to Sporting Targets where I have said goodbye to my gun while they sort out some issues with leaky flux on my barrels.
Was disappointed with how I shot today at AGL. Started on Stand 2, which I was straight on, then Stand 3 missed the first two pairs overleading the targets. Hit pair 3 then missed the next pair (in front again). Dropped 7 all together. Was then poor on the next four stands. Couldn't get on the second bird on Stand 4, bad line on the second bird on Stand 5 until I turned and took it early and don't even talk about the driven pair.
Four good stands and then I got the hump with the grumpy scorer on Stand 12 who nagged me about having to take the second bird as a driven even though I hadn't even lined up to shoot, which put me right off and I ended up dropping 4 on it. Finished on a 67, when I felt I should have been mid 70's.