Sporting Shoots; where- and how was it? (2018)

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Stand 1. I missed the first green crosser, hit the rest. It was deceptive and actually needed a moderate amount of lead (unlike most Gatton Bottom targets).

Stand 2. I took them fairly early and just in front. Missed 1. Later I would have expected it to be at it.

Stand 10. The left to right crosser was coming from a long way left and had really slowed up. You needed to be careful to not overlead it. Straighted that one.

Sailed around the first 8 stands with no queue at all. Surprisingly less queuing up the top than usual, but there was still a bit of a wait on 9, 10 and 12.

I did the RBSS final today. Just didn’t shoot well, so enjoyed the breakfast and lunch. 😆 The only highlight was shooting 18/20 on the Grouse. I also managed 15 /20 on the very tough sporting sequence. (Changed significantly since the qualifying days, where I straighted it). Anyway, I was relaxing after the shoot, when I got told that I had to hurry to a shoot off for third place on this sequence in the series overall. So there I suddenly am, 80 people watching me shoot off with Ed Solomons. 😳 I hit a nervous 13 and he hit 16..

Working in Swindon so early start time & off to Barbury for a 2pm squad Sportrap, it had rained on/off quite 💦💦 heavy all day so expected to & got wet 😐. Squad of four, I was nr 4, I was also by far the one that, with l-r again the bogeys struggled the most. Shot L1 & L2 in the dry so to speak, was very pleased to hit all l-r 70mm exocet missiles, then onto L3 when heavens opened, we awaited for worse to pass before soldiering on through it, cant say it affected me, did though miss 4 on the bounce and never found a floaty l-r quartering incomer. L4 looked the kindest of the four layouts, still managed to wipe my face though. 

Weather and brain farts apart had a very pleasant afternoon out, think a chap on our squad 85, a mucker by the handle Sean Foley 83, other chap 70s I think and me not quite there yet, when left HG was Shaun Porter 88, MrFaulds was just about to start and few more Galaticos due in am sure. 

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Weather and brain farts apart had a very pleasant afternoon out, think a chap on our squad 85, a mucker by the handle Sean Foley 83, other chap 70s I think and me not quite there yet, when left HG was Shaun Porter 88, MrFaulds was just about to start and few more Galaticos due in am sure. 





plural noun: galacticos

  1. an exceptionally skilled and celebrated soccer player.

Always thought it was a general description of sporting “superstars” which to most of us these chaps are. 
It was a new one on me, one to remember - if it's football related I'd have to look it up anyway.

I see the aforementioned Galactico performed as expected, see how it rolls off my tongue now?  :smile:  

A rather lovely, long, holiday I'll be attempting to remember which way the cartridges go in the gun on Sunday at Honesberie.

It’s Friday and that can only mean one thing.... looking forward to shooting on Sunday 

its gunsite this Sunday for me, the weather looks reasonable and as it’s been a few months since I last shot there I’m looking forward to the trip. Anybody else have this on their agenda ???

No, I'm busy on Sunday so I'm taking a mate to Willinghurst tomorrow.

I go with trepidation (that's not his name,) he has never been and wants the full experience.

No, I'm busy on Sunday so I'm taking a mate to Willinghurst tomorrow.

I go with trepidation (that's not his name,) he has never been and wants the full experience.
Hi Martinj, I believe this shoot has been cancelled you best check with Steve.

No, I'm busy on Sunday so I'm taking a mate to Willinghurst tomorrow.

I go with trepidation (that's not his name,) he has never been and wants the full experience.
Definitely cancelled. I know he has had poor entries last two, not helped by clashes with major AGL events. Owls Lodge is on tomorrow and would have done similar damage. It’s on on the 15th which is a clear day. 

No Reg shoots near me this weekend.  Managed to damage my foot stepping on a big lump of flint at Southdown on Monday (teach me to wear trainers instead of proper boots), so I might have a weekend off.  Am booked to shoot the Sussex double rise on Sunday, but think I'll cancel.

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Definitely cancelled. I know he has had poor entries last two, not helped by clashes with major AGL events. Owls Lodge is on tomorrow and would have done similar damage. It’s on on the 15th which is a clear day. 
Saturday 15th of June is the next one, according to Steves FB  page

Well thanks guys, that saved us a load of hassle, tomorrow's shoot is still advertised on the CPSA fixtures site, perhaps he should cancel that for those (like me) who haven't got a facebook.

(Notified CPSA and cancelled)


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its gunsite this Sunday for me, the weather looks reasonable and as it’s been a few months since I last shot there I’m looking forward to the trip. Anybody else have this on their agenda ???
As there's not much on in the west this Sunday I have the feeling a lot have got this on their agenda. I reckon it'll be very busy.

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