Tapered or parallel ?

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Lots of people use 3/4 and Full for UT and OT but a lot use 1/2 and full for the same?? Of course the big difference between the two is the 24g vs 28g loads. I think  I read some where that the difference in the diameter between 1/2 and 3/4 at first barrel distance is two inches or so? does not sound a lot but when you have about ~15% less lead to use it will make a difference surely? I am pretty sure the target speeds are very similar for UT and OT but far less variation of angle and trajectory.

I have referred to an article by Derek Partridge makes for enlightening reading even today.


Ok, fresh from the test drive here are my thoughts.

firstly the barrels were heavier than mine at 1760g but with a slimmer fore end. They were 32" m/c & f/c with a tapered rib. At the other end was a 15" Monte Carlo with adjustable combe.

the first job was to set the rib to the required angle. This was set flat (50/50) and then the combe adjusted to my required sight picture (very little rib).

The height of the rib when the butt of the stock is mounted in the usual place caused the combe to come up to the cheek without the need to lower the head. This encourages you to stand very upright and keep the barrels level. This encourages a very high hold point but with the visibility around the rib you never feel like you will miss the target, and i didn't.

The targets just kept breaking with minimal effort and it almost felt like cheating. After several rounds though, the weight of the gun was beginning to take its toll and targets began to slip away.

The next step is to try a lighter and shorter one and establish the specification for my dream machine. The options are extensive and some questions remain, but it is a style of shooting i like the feel of and i cant wait to try the next one.

Yes the price is eye watering, but the gun is a custom spec and truly hand made. Im not going to rush into this.

Lots of people use 3/4 and Full for UT and OT but a lot use 1/2 and full for the same?? Of course the big difference between the two is the 24g vs 28g loads. I think  I read some where that the difference in the diameter between 1/2 and 3/4 at first barrel distance is two inches or so? does not sound a lot but when you have about ~15% less lead to use it will make a difference surely? I am pretty sure the target speeds are very similar for UT and OT but far less variation of angle and trajectory.

I have referred to an article by Derek Partridge makes for enlightening reading even today.


You have to be VERY careful reading and recommending what DP has to say about gunfitting there since it is nothing less than heretical compared to the Gods of the MirrorWorld that have damned me for my acceptance of it.  

Or maybe it just applies to MX8's   :haha:    :haha:    :king:

This thread has also made me wonder about the different ribs on the gun here but I can't remember what they are 'cept they're not all the same - sorta one or two of everything.  And I didn't even know it made a difference!!  Don't know WTF I'm gonna do now.

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Exactly. 3/4 Full choke for fast trap end of imo but as you say way over for dtl, i used to use 8s to open the pattern a bit.
Funny that Ian. I was told the same back in my dtl days and at one time I had a multi choke 682x so I tried 1/2 and 3/4, 1/2 and full and even 1/4 and 1/2 ! My scores stayed the same, but I just ended up with some very chippy kills with open chokes. So I went back to 3/4 and full, I also had a period of using Winchester Winner 8's in first tube and Trap 200 in second,eventually went back to Trap 200 in both,scores remained the same!!!

Yesterday shooting UT, which has targets just as fast as OT as far as I know? In fact one fosse which is used for UT is an OT but we only use the five in the middle and they are never turned down. Anyway I was getting amazing first barrel breaks with half choke using my new gun and cheap 28g cartridges ! I may well have been centring the target a lot so maybe accuracy is key to that? I have some 24g cartridges by the same maker so I am going to try them next week side by side to see if I can see a difference in the breaks. Logic says the 28g should be better over times shot but if you are accurate with shot placement 24g should work well too. I do think though that for consistently good breaks accuracy has a greater say in the outcome than the amount of lead you use and the choke you are using... within reason ?

I was apprehensive when I bought the gun because it is half on the first barrel but shooting yesterday completely dispelled any doubts I had if you are accurate the targets will be powdered, got to concentrate on the bits in bold because some of them I completely missed :) but for a second time of using the gun I was pleased with 21 and 19 for 40ex50.


My lad Harry uses 1/2 choke for ABT/UT gets some very good kills but also some chippy ones which could be down to centre biased Fblacks but I suspect is more down to lack of accuracy. On the other hand I use 3/4 first barrel and tend to either smash them or miss them completely. I often think I would like to try 1/2 to get some chippy kills that otherwise I would miss.

Think I need to experiment with cartridges to improve pattern spread.


First gun had a wide parallel rib with a center line then moved to a tapered rib, on reflection I preferred the wide rib with center line dont know why just felt it drew my eye to the target and could see the rib in my perifual vision better. :huh:

"Thats when the fight started"


I was using a superstore sports shop branded cheddite 28g cartridge cost ~ £130 a thou so not an expensive cart by any standard and the breaks I was getting most of the time was amazing! I was obviously getting them just right did have a few that just broke into a few pieces but most were obliterated :) I have some of the same brand in 24g so I will give those a test to see how they might do at OT. I do want to shoot OT and don't want to change guns so it will be interesting. In summary though as far as I can see a 28g load through half choke is not a problem for UT so I assume it would also, as you have indicated, stand for ABT also provided you are well on the target. I may sound a bit broken record but I have read articles that say you want a target to break into a few pieces not disappear that way you are making the best of your lead... I mean what is the point of having too tight a choke if you are not consistently in the right part of the sky to hit the target better to have the choke more open and leave a margin for error ?

John -

If you put that 1/2choke on the plate I think you'll find that it is much more impressive than you assume.  Perazzi chokes usually measure like they're marked but perform like monsters.  I used to shoot OT with a 70cm pigeon gun and a #3 (.012") choke in the first barrel and NEVER worried about it.  A similar #3 in a current fave will smoke DTL targets with 24gms if I do my part.  I have moved up to a #5 in that gun but that was because I got a great deal on four #5 chokes and thot I should use them hahaha.

Totally great to hear that the new gun is working for you!!   :hunter:


Yes Charlie so far so good ! I have got a lot of confidence in the gun since someone set me right ! Gun moves really good much faster than the Browning and the trigger is a gem so smooth and positive.
