Taught to be Cautious?

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Dad was one and would never say what went on at meetings but he had to learn loads of chants/speeches which seemed to be a big chore.

I was a Round Tabler which was all about having fun and sometimes we raised some money for charity so I'll answer questions about Round Table if anyone wants to.  Round Table has shrunk dramatically from what it once was.  It used to be for the under 40's but they changed it to 45 but still thay have lost loads of members.  The women had Ladies Circle.  Ex tablers could join 41 Club.

Rotary is similar to Round Table but tends to serve a slightly older age group.
What is the average diameter of the table ?

and what size has it shrunk to ?

Dad was one and would never say what went on at meetings but he had to learn loads of chants/speeches which seemed to be a big chore.

I was a Round Tabler which was all about having fun and sometimes we raised some money for charity so I'll answer questions about Round Table if anyone wants to.  Round Table has shrunk dramatically from what it once was.  It used to be for the under 40's but they changed it to 45 but still thay have lost loads of members.  The women had Ladies Circle.  Ex tablers could join 41 Club.

Rotary is similar to Round Table but tends to serve a slightly older age group.
Yes masonry does involve learning lots of lines/speeches and things Robert. BUT beer is almost always involved at some point in the proceedings! We also do a lot of charity stuff and raise money for all manner of charities, not just masonic charities. Masonry has also shrunk, to some extent it is because many of ther older guys would NOT talk about it!

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OK I will own up, yes I'm a Freemason! There really isn't anything sinister about Freemasonry, yes we have all heard the odd stories, most of which are total rubbish of course. It is not a secret society as many people seem to think, in fact the internet is full of info about it, Grand Lodge even has it's own website and anyone can go to Grand Lodge in London and walk around the place, there are even guided tours I think. It is open to people of any faith and any nationality, but you do have to be 21 years of age or older to join. Freemasonry is really no different to the Rotary Club, The Buffs, The Round Table, in fact some people belong to all of them, you don't have to be a copper or a builder to join, it is open to anyone no matter what job they do.

So if anyone is curious and to prove that it is not a secret society, just ask any masonic question you like and I will try to answer it. :suicide:
If your father proposes you, you can join at 18, this was a new thing in the 20's as a few drinks licenses were given to lodges, before this you could join younger. After the drinks licenses were given some left their lodge for good as they did not like the idea of alcohol in the same building. Well this was the case at No 18 Dumbarton I have been reliably informed.

I once got invited to ladies night.....many many years ago in Oldham (Union St).

Some chappy made the mistake of betting me a tenner that i would not slide down the banister (it had a rather good grand sweeping staircase with a wide highly polished rail).

I said of course i would do it if i could pick another 2 men to also do it after me. It was agreed.

So of course i picked the two most sloshed in our party. I hitched up the old ball gown and did it howling and whooping all the way down......they did it in a slightly quieter fashion and one fell off half way down.....unfortunately he fell on top of a woman collecting her coat from the check in girls desk......I believe she later sued him for damages to her neck and back.................!!

As it turned out....the further they got into the details of the case......they found out that she was not hurt at all from the glancing blow....she had in fact been in a car accident the week before and was 'swinging the lead'. I do not know how it turned out........but strangely I did not get asked the following year... :gamer:  

It is open to people of any faith and any nationality..........

Try telling that to the guy who used to work for us!!! He goes nuts about how you can't be a Catholic and a Mason...he's a Knight of St Columba

So if anyone is curious and to prove that it is not a secret society, just ask any masonic question you like and I will try to answer it. :suicide:

Did you shag a goat as part of your initiation?
OK I will own up, yes I'm a Freemason! There really isn't anything sinister about Freemasonry, yes we have all heard the odd stories, most of which are total rubbish of course. It is not a secret society as many people seem to think, in fact the internet is full of info about it, Grand Lodge even has it's own website and anyone can go to Grand Lodge in London and walk around the place, there are even guided tours I think. It is open to people of any faith and any nationality, but you do have to be 21 years of age or older to join. Freemasonry is really no different to the Rotary Club, The Buffs, The Round Table, in fact some people belong to all of them, you don't have to be a copper or a builder to join, it is open to anyone no matter what job they do.

So if anyone is curious and to prove that it is not a secret society, just ask any masonic question you like and I will try to answer it. :suicide:
What is the identifying sign given but only recognized by a fellow mason?

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Money question Bryan....it will never be told outside of the funny handshake brigade. Something to do with a wiggling third finger...!

L. O. L.

Money question Bryan....it will never be told outside of the funny handshake brigade. Something to do with a wiggling third finger...!

L. O. L.
.!! Nope

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L. O. L.

Not many people know this .....but.....

Barristers never shake hands.....to make sure that they are not given Masonic signs.

L. O. L.
Not many people know this .....but.....
Barristers never shake hands.....to make sure that they are not given Masonic signs.
There is no need to shake hands there are many signs and words too!
P. M. S. L.

Even I know those ones..... L. O. L.

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Barristers never shake hands.....to make sure that they are not given Masonic signs.
That's interesting - and you learn something new every day - you can have one QI point today.


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