the dreaded straight bird..........

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I have tried a low hold many times but it just wont work for me i tend to experience a detachment from the barrels if my focal point is too far above. I think this may be to do with the use of a brass bead which is not visible in poor light so having had a long conversation on the matter with a certain ex Olympic medalist i am going to experiment once again with a red bead. Will report back with results.

I have tried a low hold many times but it just wont work for me i tend to experience a detachment from the barrels if my focal point is too far above. I think this may be to do with the use of a brass bead which is not visible in poor light so having had a long conversation on the matter with a certain ex Olympic medalist i am going to experiment once again with a red bead. Will report back with results.
How about a nice red snooker ball on the end of the tubes Ian, that would be visible enough I should think!  You may have to remove some wood from the stock though, so as to keep the balance right! :laugh:

Will bare that idea in mind les but i have to say i am not fully convinced of the theory :)

That's it red beads fitted on both guns ready for trials tomorrow. Just noticed there is more pitch on the dt than the eell, never noticed before. Also 4mm higher in comb. Probably of no relevance just saying.

Will bare that idea in mind les but i have to say i am not fully convinced of the theory :)

That's it red beads fitted on both guns ready for trials tomorrow. Just noticed there is more pitch on the dt than the eell, never noticed before. Also 4mm higher in comb. Probably of no relevance just saying.
OK Ian, you try it. If it works on yours I will try it on mine. I've debated long and hard on beads and whether it should be best to see such things or not, I was taught not to see the things once the bird is called. I now have serious trouble if I see the bead or the barrel, but subconsciously I may well see both, I don't really know to be honest. A small amount of extra pitch shouldn't make too much difference I wouldn't think.

Seems like when I miss low birds, my most common it always seems too, I'm over them.  Just jammin' too hard and not really seeing the target.

As to the bead thing - my guns all have the standard (here anyway) white bead 'cept for one way older barrel w/ the original (?) yellow Perazzi blade thing in a slot, and another with a way faded red blade.  I suspect that there is a subconscious element to bead awareness but I've just taken that as a given and not really paid much attention to other colors.

Pitch is an anachronism what with the way target guns are fitted and mounted these days.  I've found that pitch, down or up, has a decided effect on perceived recoil.  I suppose tho that either would be acceptable for some strange body form.  Putzing around with adjustos showed me that a couple inches down to zero worked best for me, minimum recoil.  Some time ago I had a Beretta that a previous owner had buzzed a considerable down pitch for whatever reason.  Kicked the snot outta me so I made a wedge for under the pad and brought it back to about 1".  Sweet it was. 

With my meager skill set, comb height is critical.  For me, all other things being equal, 4mm would easy make the diff between centering and chunking a target.

All JMO of course


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Well i can report that i still can't shoot with a red bead. Exhaustive trials today concluded that small brass job is still my preferred bead. Oh well was worth a try now what else can a fiddle about with :)

Absolutely rob and standard dt is out for winter. Terrible light at sealand today very hard to see targets hope its not as bad as forecast tomorrow.

You been Degla today ?

You going tomorrow ?

Targets will be spot on as ken has set the traps on Thurs.

Ya Im up there tomorrow, first squad at 10am. Which squad are you?

Wasnt there today, had to call into work for a while. Looking forward to this, should be fun!

Not booked on just turn up and see what available. Yes does sound fun. Is arnie going ?

No he is shooting game in Scotland I think.

Never shot a round of ABT before, but I have shot maybe 10 targets from peg 2 & 3.

So plenty of experience really

Well Ian, how did Sunday go for you? Didnt see you after that time in the morning.

I was good & bad.

DTL was 18 & 21, so not overly happy with that. Found I was lifting my head as I sometimes do, and just complacent on others. I shot quite slow in the first round also.

UT was 14 & 16, again not overly happy with that. I was having difficulty seeing the targets, so was lifting my head I think, and then I was looking in a different place to where the gun was pointing. Made dust of the ones I hit, with few 2nd barrels. (Would have preferred 25 2nd barrels, breaking them in 2!). Missed 3 straight birds in a row in the 2nd round, so could easily have been a 19. But not to be.

ABT went much better, 21 & 21, delighted with that! As I said, they were my first full two rounds of ABT. Just got onto them nicely. But had a few long 2nd barrels, so was a little lucky with the score I think.

(One of the guys on my squad presumed that I was actually an ABT shooter, since I was doing well in it, and struggling more with the DTL!)

Still really enjoyed it. Are they going to put on more mixed comps like that?

Absolutely rob and standard dt is out for winter. Terrible light at sealand today very hard to see targets hope its not as bad as forecast tomorrow.

You been Degla today ?

You going tomorrow ?

Targets will be spot on as ken has set the traps on Thurs.
How did you get on Ian? Don't know how your weather was up there, but it was bloody awful down this way, rained almost all day!


it was fun, they mixed it up so you did one Ut one Dtl one abt then did it all again a novel concept and timing issues as you can imagine. Not overly happy with the outcome i blame the wet weather gun which i am not used to as it handles different to the eell. 49/141 abt 43 Ut 40 weather was shocking.


yes sorry i didnt get more tine to speak. You did very well on the abt. Yes mike is doing one a month and a 100 abt a month which is great news.


it was fun, they mixed it up so you did one Ut one Dtl one abt then did it all again a novel concept and timing issues as you can imagine. Not overly happy with the outcome i blame the wet weather gun which i am not used to as it handles different to the eell. 49/141 abt 43 Ut 40 weather was shocking.
That was good shooting Ian!!!!! The timing issues must have been a real nightmare, not to mention shooting in bad weather too. Does the 10 handle that much differently to the eell then? Is it faster than the eell or slower? Is the balance different?

Thank you les, but not that good on the day actually.

There is no comparison whatsoever between the std and the eell apart from the fact that the std is 4mm higher the std is much livelier the grip is thinner the balance is good but the eell is a different league much more refined balance which is obvious when you mount it the radius and angle of the grip is totally different it is fast but steady you rarely go past a target hence you need to push through the shot recoil is different partly down to balance partly because the pitch is also different believe me les you have to shoot it too appreciate how different it is to the std and why its over twice the price. All it needs is a better shooter than me to get the most out of it. After my play at weekend i think i will call the other one the spare one and just try very hard to keep the eell dry over winter.


very difficult concept to shoot random disciplines in that way but good fun. Targets were excellent so a big thank you to the staff and to mike and to my mate ken who set the abt up to current scheme. And we didnt shoot the roof off the layout which we thought was a possibility as it was never designed for a 3.5m target :)

I never realised that the eell and the 10 were so different,I thought it would be just cosmetic apart from the comb height. Have you thought about getting the 10 altered and re balanced?

Ya it was bloody cold there yesterday, with showers too. Good variety.

I thought it ran quite smoothly tbh, as smooth as could be expected when limited to one UT layout. Only about 20-25 mins between rounds, with a 45 minute break in the middle.

Ill make it to these trap all-rounders from now on, good way of building experience. And if they keep the £35 entry fee, then all the better. Its usually £33 for 100 dtl, so we got an extra 50 targets for £2 effectively!
(Cant make the abt on the 27th, but I'll be there every other month)
