the dreaded straight bird..........

Clay, Trap, Skeet Shooting Forum

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Well first off ot and abt take no prisoners any fault with technique and or your concentration will become evident.

From my experience when you get half way through and your straight or even only two targets down you tell yourself wow this is going well and you try to hard to keep it up. Strangely when its not going so well you tell yourself blimey this aint going to plan then guess what you try to hard and or you start changing technique mid way through (which is fine if you are absolutely sure there is a problem.) Tyring to hard will make you hang on to the shot until you see a sight picture but this will not work at fast trap disciplines.

So imo the only way to stop this last half melt down is to treat each target as a one target competition do not think about targets previously hit or missed, do not think about the next few targets only the one about to appear. Easier said than done but thats what makes a very good shooter very good, the abiliy to trust your technique accept the inevitable occasional miss and live in the moment.

Most of us have had days were we felt everything was right and you never felt like missing, I bet that on those occasions you have no idea what you did this is beccause you were fully focused on seing the target. If we could all replicate that every week we would all be top shots but most of us unfortunately cannot.
