Wabbit shooting red neck style.

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Well-known member
Dec 19, 2016
Thought i would share a video i just watched on tips shooting wabbits, Not sure it's how we do it over here tho :)

NIce Gun if nowt else !

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I bet George is worried....I'd no idea there was such a wealth of talent across the pond.  

There good ol Pumpkins, Apparently the ones you can't destroy with a Shotgun :)

he must be a jaffa     firing blanks !!!

or a very bad shot

So how much does he charge for a coaching lesson? I would really like to shoot half as good as that. The armoured pumpkin is a notoriously hard thing to kill. Also once it has stopped running,do not take any chances,it is still dangerous so stalk cautiously towards it and give it both barrels again just to be on the safe side.

  Safe shooting guys.

I think a coaching lesson with this Guy would cost you pretty much all your self respect :)

We need Wonko to comment, could things really be that bad over there ?  :lol:  He actually ran towards the thing as he called pull. 

We need Wonko to comment, could things really be that bad over there ?  :lol:  He actually ran towards the thing as he called pull. 
Wonko probably taught him how to shoot. Shame he didnt teach Wonko his taste in shirts.

And those comments from the likes of driven bird shooters

I have to admit that I'm rather more astonished at the continuing reference to the shirt(s) that I wear from folks whose garb likely resembles mud - presumably to blend in with the general condition of your shooting venues.
