Who's where this Sunday?

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Won the Ayrshire Gun Club's 75 bird sporting, after s shoot off, really enjoyed the shoot off with (small) crowd:)

Was too late to enter the DTL, got to shoot it as a 1 man team, 93/262, classified me as B on the day...........I was shooting faster and faster and got careless.

Think the weather will have a big bearing on my plans this sunday; Im coaching all day Sat so if the weather is not great on sunday I might give the long drive to Wyle a miss and have a lay in! Starting to lose interest now its getting colder and wetter!

Will keep my eye on the weather this week end, Got soaked on Sunday and spent the afternoon trying to dry my gun out. Might give windrush a crack on Saturday afternoon or maybe Weston on Sunday, might give it a miss all together as shooting Churchills on Thursday anyway.

ZZZZZZZZZZ Sorry helice. For me its Rugby with all those frustrated trap shooters who think they can shoot (only kidding boys) I`ve talked the talk now lets do the walk.Got me 25 shells, a good book, some good one liners so I can talk trap. Gona give them plastic pigeons some some serious sh*t man

Taking a new shot down the North Ayrshire to show him round, may have a crack at ABT while I'm there!?!?

Is Southdown the only place in England not under water then ?

I will be at Houston this week, the Winter series starts the first Sunday in October.

You are not wrong there, and it's the nearest Sporting ground to the biggest City in Scotland.

We are not well serviced for Sporting in the west, they are mainly Trap shooters here.

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