Wrong Gun?

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Nov 9, 2018
Hi everybody, I think I've bought the wrong gun?! I've bought a Browning 325 under and over, but I"ve been told by a more experienced shooter that I have the wrong gun for me, this is my first gun so I admit I didn't know what I'm buying! any way this chap said the gun is to big for me, I'm 5' 4" high, I'm on the stocky side! my gun has 32" barrels and a 14.1/2" stock, it is a heavy gun, he said I would be better to change the gun to something with 28 or 30" barrels and a fitted stock, do you think a visit to a larger shooting ground where they have a gun sales area would be a good idea, I have a choice of two but both are over 1 and a half hours drive away! thanks, John  

Who is this friend of yours and how many championships has he won with guns correctly caliberated to his height ? I'm the same height as you and take 42" jackets, my LOP is 14-3/4 so your gun would feel too short as do many guns belonging to shooters a good bit taller than myself. 

I'm not saying you will win a world championship with that 325 but if you don't it won't be because it's too big. 

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Within reason, your physical size is not the main criterion when selecting a gun. Barrel length in particular is relevant to things like balance and dynamic feel rather than how tall you are.

There are women shooters for example, shorter than you, who use 32" guns just as there are 6ft + shooters with 30" barrels.

BTW the 325 is a pretty decent gun to start out with.

Is he trying to buy it cheap???? Some people talk a load of Bulls udders!!!

Who is this friend of yours and how many championships has he won with guns correctly caliberated to his height ? I'm the same height as you and take 42" jackets, my LOP is 14-3/4 so your gun would feel too short as do many guns belonging to shooters a good bit taller than myself. 

I'm not saying you will win a world championship with that 325 but if you don't it won't be because it's too big. 
Bloomin eck  !  I did not realize you were a 'short ass'  Yer look bigger on yer picture   😲

There is absolutely nothing wrong with the basic gun .IMHO , heavy is good , a lot of  novice shooters start light and will realise the limitations of lighter guns .  There may be a bit of an issue with if the stock fits you or not  .  Might be a balance issue .

Assuming it’s a Sporter , At 14.5 inches LOP  , it’s probably been shortened a little .  If you trade it in you are going to lose a couple of hundred quid on that gun , probably spend a bit more on the next one and may end up with a gun you still can’t shoot .  

If you accept that scenario , you’d be better off spending that money having a gunfitting session , get a new pad fitted to give the right length , and any other mods to the stock .  

Hi everybody, I think I've bought the wrong gun?! I've bought a Browning 325 under and over, but I"ve been told by a more experienced shooter that I have the wrong gun for me, this is my first gun so I admit I didn't know what I'm buying! any way this chap said the gun is to big for me, I'm 5' 4" high, I'm on the stocky side! my gun has 32" barrels and a 14.1/2" stock, it is a heavy gun, he said I would be better to change the gun to something with 28 or 30" barrels and a fitted stock, do you think a visit to a larger shooting ground where they have a gun sales area would be a good idea, I have a choice of two but both are over 1 and a half hours drive away! thanks, John  
if it feels right then its probably right... if it feels wrong then its probably wrong..

gun fit is such a personal thing and dimensions from two people with exactly the same height and build will differ greatly.  I'd ignore the guy and get some lessons from a decent coach and ask them the question.

My experience

started shooting 2.5 years ago and learning with my mates browning 725 G5 hunter.30"   Got my SGC and bought a 725 sporter 30" which I was quite happy with. Scores slowly increased, nothing fantastic, but acceptable.

november last year I inherited a Browning 125 28". My score instantly went up by 10 and is getting marginally better every week..  there are only subtle differences between the two guns BUT added together they seem to make a difference to me.  I am  62  11/12ths, 5'11", 17st with a powerfully developed lower chest

However, where we shoot there is a lad who has just turned 12.  He is not very tall....just a bit taller than his 30" 12g and he NAILS IT. Seriously good shooter, scores almost always in the 90s. He can barely get it over the bar on the front of the stand. No help from his dad, loads himself and NAILS it.   We are drawing lots for who pushes him in the pond

this has probably not helped any but I reckon it's 25% in your shoulder and 75% in your head

Hi everybody, I think I've bought the wrong gun?! I've bought a Browning 325 under and over, but I"ve been told by a more experienced shooter that I have the wrong gun for me, this is my first gun so I admit I didn't know what I'm buying! any way this chap said the gun is to big for me, I'm 5' 4" high, I'm on the stocky side! my gun has 32" barrels and a 14.1/2" stock, it is a heavy gun, he said I would be better to change the gun to something with 28 or 30" barrels and a fitted stock, do you think a visit to a larger shooting ground where they have a gun sales area would be a good idea, I have a choice of two but both are over 1 and a half hours drive away! thanks, John  
Similar experience, similar height, probably similar build. My 30" barrel Browning 425 was diagnosed as too front heavy for me. I had developed a terribly slow swing through style because of this. Maybe that's what they meant? Changed gun, shooting became a lot easier. I could finally do maintained lead! Don't know if I got any better though 🙂

Shooting for 65 plus years, wrong side of 3 score and ten (and then some) 5' 11",  15 stone, BUT with a well built bit,  just UNDER my chest (clubhouse breakfasts ?) and I think I have THREE wrong bloomin guns  ?  I swap between my 303 auto, my 725 black and a 20 bore O/U, Oh sorry,  FOUR, forgot about the Winnie Trap  !  I can shoot them all equally as badly as each other. In fact sometimes I get a surprise when I open the gun slip and see which gun it is inside. At least I have yet to take the 20 bore and 12 bore ammo, but given the time  !

BUT with a well built bit,  just UNDER my chest (clubhouse breakfasts ?
Yes.....that is the powerfully built lower chest, some term it a 'gut' which I think a tad harsh

i have shot better with the 125 than my own 725.... it just 'shoots better'

EUREKA  !  You must be the first person on this Forum to EVER have found the 'magic gun'.  In fact, some spend their entire lives (and no small amount of money)  searching for just such a weapon.  Some have gone to their graves,  never having fulfilled that dream.  I have seen many a shooter in tears in the clubhouse,  after realizing that his scores over the previous 2 outings, have been nothing more than a bad attack of 'new gun syndrome' !   😮  Some have traveled the length and breadth of the Country and some have even visited Gunmakers in far off places, trying to find that 'Magic Gun'. I have known of shooters spending most of their Grandkids inheritance, in their efforts to find peace and contentment in their shooting. You MUST of course, at all costs KEEP that gun. Never be tempted by offers of "Visit our Factory, have your gun tailor made to fit you, choose some of the finest Turkish walnut to compliment the hours of hand engraving and then shoot the gun on our private ranges ". Resist the temptation at all costs, you would spend the remainder of your life regretting the folly of it all, should you succumb. I would up my gun insurance, beef up my security and NEVER let the gun out of my sight whist at the range. Try to avoid letting others see you shoot that gun, for I feel it would soon be obvious for all to see that you alone,  have found the 'MAGIC GUN'  !  

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EUREKA  !  You must be the first person on this Forum to EVER have found the 'magic gun'.  In fact, some spend their entire lives (and no small amount of money)  searching for just such a weapon.  Some have gone to their graves,  never having fulfilled that dream.  I have seen many a shooter in tears in the clubhouse,  after realizing that his scores over the previous 2 outings, have been nothing more than a bad attack of 'new gun syndrome' !   😮  Some have traveled the length and breadth of the Country and some have even visited Gunmakers in far off places, trying to find that 'Magic Gun'. I have known of shooters spending most of their Grandkids inheritance, in their efforts to find peace and contentment in their shooting. You MUST of course, at all costs KEEP that gun. Never be tempted by offers of "Visit our Factory, have your gun tailor made to fit you, choose some of the finest Turkish walnut to compliment the hours of hand engraving and then shoot the gun on our private ranges ". Resist the temptation at all costs, you would spend the remainder of your life regretting the folly of it all, should you succumb. I would up my gun insurance, beef up my security and NEVER let the gun out of my sight whist at the range. Try to avoid letting others see you shoot that gun, for I feel it would soon be obvious for all to see that you alone,  have found the 'MAGIC GUN'  !  
Not sure if that is directed at me or not, but

i never said I was  good or it was perfect😂It's just a bit better than the 725, just 😂

I'm an electrical engineer. Been searching for the best tool case,bag,box,crate,bucket whatever you want to call,it for over 50 years!

im almost there....but not quite

I'm an electrical engineer. Been searching for the best tool case,bag,box,crate,bucket whatever you want to call,it for over 50 years!

im almost there....but not quite
Ha, ah the perfect toolcase hunt....me too 👍
