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North have always used selection but sometimes we don't have enough shoot them so some places are then from invites but only the ones who got in via selection procedures get any team money. A very fare system imo and i have said many times if you want to further your shooting career regional team is a good stepping stone and i have always been proud to represent my region. But sounds like some regions may be a closed shop which is a great shame.

As for the west midland area , you are lucky this year that you have championships to shoot this year as the committee nearly folded and the £10, 000 or so would have gone back to the Cpsa head office

Very low turnout at the agm , myself and Allison have agreed to do one more year and we managed to find a treasurer for the year as well , we have agreed that there will not be any medals this year as no one wanted to sort that job out and as far as the website is concerned I can't see it being used again unless someone's steps in


Note...the money in any County coffers should not go to the CPSA if the county folds. It should be held in County coffers until a new committee is formed.

County committees are totally autonomous . The cash in them belongs to the county.

......true story...!

I'm talking about the west midland region , Nicola and to be honest nick fellows and terry bobbit did explain that the funds would be ring fenced until any such time a committee could be formed

I'm talking about the west midland region , Nicola and to be honest nick fellows and terry bobbit did explain that the funds would be ring fenced until any such time a committee could be formed
It does not matter what Region or County it is....it is their own funds and totally separate to CPSA HQ. They are autonomous from CPSA and have no input in County or Regional affairs. Apart from anything in Booklet 5 or Booklet 7......(and even then they run away....see current Cheshire County problem re shooter registered in Cheshire who lives in another county.....I have just been told about all that guff today...unbloodybelieveable..!)

(P.s. Spell Bobbykins right :wink: )

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 Listen in, at the risk of making myself even more unpopular here it is.

I get continual complaints from Cheshire shooters who do not know what is happening in their county?

No meetings, no selection shoots, no teams, no representation at meetings. 

I know two members of the Committee who have tried very hard to get things moving and with no success gave up.

You have a Chairman who appears not to communicate, and does he live in Cheshire? Because his ground certainly isn't ?

But have you done anything about getting your county active?

Staffordshire used to be fantastic but now it is slipping into sleep mode. If you want to do anything don't just sit and wait , DIY. Or speak to Steve Ward, he's a good guy and trying hard to do things correctly.

Shropshire ?" CPSA HQ are they in Wales?" " What Articles? " "They Can't do that?"  "Oh! Nobody told me" , "Surely that cannot be right,"  "Oh  well I'm not really bothered,"  "I only want to shoot" . Reason those are all in speech marks is because they are real quotes.

Does all that sound a little familiar?

Finally Nicola said that CPSA HQ  and Terry Bobbett cannot do this or do that . You just sit and watch. CPSA  HQ can do what they want, because like everyone else I'm not bothered, I only want to shoot. 

No Salopian ....I said they cannot take county money....and they cannot.

Nicola if it is not held at head office who is going to look after it then , or do the present committee get a bonus

I'm talking about the west midland region , Nicola and to be honest nick fellows and terry bobbit did explain that the funds would be ring fenced until any such time a committee could be formed
Hmm, i'm not sure i'd believe them.

They tell us their organisation works in the interests of all shooters. I think we can say with some certainty that's not true!


 How could you say such a thing!

 You're making me think that Nick & Terry may tell porkies, surely that is not true?

I think the real answer to everyone's problem with there not being enough cheap shooting in their region or county is to get someone like Allison & Steve Lovatt to do everything, organise all the selection shoots, medals, regional team selection, Regional England selection shoots, entry fees , treasurer for Counties and the Region etc. That way only one person can be responsible , only one email address and postal address, mobile and land line to call. Everything is compact and efficient and we can just get on with shooting or moaning about how they have or have not organised things.

It would seem to be logical to me, Steve has now retired from farming and only organises two shoots a week and Allison and his brother do most of the work, most of his shoots are one day affairs (Sunday) so that leaves him with six days a week to do County and Regional stuff.

Plus Harry his son is getting more involved and will soon be able to take over. So it is all very easy to do really .

Had a bad night last night, don't think the medication is working!

Nicola if it is not held at head office who is going to look after it then , or do the present committee get a bonus
It is a new fangled thing called a bank account.....most counties have one....and two people needing to sign on it. They do not evaporate if a committee fails. You are a Chairman of a region or committee and you do not understand the actual mechanics...??Well I suppose it is easier to chuck it all back to HQ if you give in as a volunteer.

Don't suppose you have your own website either?

Most counties these days do have their own website which Cpsa does not own and cannot control or influence. This sprung from the emails years ago from HQ telling the counties how they had to speak. Most peeled off at that time.

So for others on here who are not au fait with county / regions issues...... You are not committed to give anything back to HQ....you own it they do not. Your unpaid work to build the accounts and run the websites.....your county trophies.....etc etc etc.


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As I messed up my edit etc.....

This bit should have been at the top of my last post.

The reply is to Stevie babe's question....

1) It does not need looking after. It just sits still in the dark.

2) unless they are crooks......no ....the leaving committee does not get a bonus......but......they can spend all the money in the account on their shooters before they go. They raised it from their county shooters. They could organise a free to enter 'goodbye to the county..we have had enough' shoot... ! :wink: if it floated their boat.

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Do you know what Nicola I have loads of folks probably nearer to 100 than 50 say how do you put up with that tinker bell but my reply had always been , her bark is worse than her bite and certain things she doesn't understand so she's alright but sometimes I do wonder !!!!!!!!

West Midlands Shooters.

The Regional affairs are in good hands, funds are going nowhere that they shouldn't be .

Website hopefully will be updated very soon.

But as I have said before if you want changes , let the committee know, if you can do better , step up, if you think your county can be improved, volunteer.

Interesting that possibly the best Skeet layouts in the West Midlands are not available for CPSA, that possibly the best skeet shooters are not interested in shooting for their county. 

Then we have the Trap shooters !

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Do you know what Nicola I have loads of folks probably nearer to 100 than 50 say how do you put up with that tinker bell but my reply had always been , her bark is worse than her bite and certain things she doesn't understand so she's alright but sometimes I do wonder !!!!!!!!
I never worry about people pandering to me....or what they think of me. (Only 100 :laugh: )

I answered the question factually about money or anything in the county coffers.

Glad you are happy having smoke blown up your rear by your pals :wink:

I prefer getting the facts right. Not sure why it has ruffled your feathers.....maybe because I said you were incorrect.
