Listen in, at the risk of making myself even more unpopular here it is.
I get continual complaints from Cheshire shooters who do not know what is happening in their county?
No meetings, no selection shoots, no teams, no representation at meetings.
I know two members of the Committee who have tried very hard to get things moving and with no success gave up.
You have a Chairman who appears not to communicate, and does he live in Cheshire? Because his ground certainly isn't ?
But have you done anything about getting your county active?
Staffordshire used to be fantastic but now it is slipping into sleep mode. If you want to do anything don't just sit and wait , DIY. Or speak to Steve Ward, he's a good guy and trying hard to do things correctly.
Shropshire ?" CPSA HQ are they in Wales?" " What Articles? " "They Can't do that?" "Oh! Nobody told me" , "Surely that cannot be right," "Oh well I'm not really bothered," "I only want to shoot" . Reason those are all in speech marks is because they are real quotes.
Does all that sound a little familiar?
Finally Nicola said that CPSA HQ and Terry Bobbett cannot do this or do that . You just sit and watch. CPSA HQ can do what they want, because like everyone else I'm not bothered, I only want to shoot.