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ok you'll see ips sniping elsewhere. Broken bottom barrel spring on saturday, bottom ejector popped 12 unfired cartridges onto the layout over the weekend to the bemusement of the other squad members. [I caught the remainder. Think I'll have to go to an annual service regime]. My thanks to Rob Hall Gunroom and Hopkins Gunsmiths for their assistance. Saw my first DT11L at Hodnet last night but no thanks.
sh*t happens from time to time 40Up the only guns I have ever seen leave the layout here were a Browning and a Krieghoff. Browning trigger malfunction and the hoff had to be taken apart after every shot to get the cartridge out ... fortunately there was a Perazzi on hand to get him through the round. The guy shoots a Perazzi now but not because of that,he shot a Perazzi before he has just stopped messing about now... by the way he is a consistent 90+++ shooter . Beretta win a comp down here .... don't make me laugh maybe a Browning never a Beretta.

And you obviously have the experience of them letting you down in major championships...... so you stopped using them ? Unlike the very best!  And of course you will be able to tell us all the parts that I may need to shift from one gun to the other to get one good functional one... honestly the verbal  excrement spouted on here about the best trap gun ever made is laughable... I wonder how they ever won anything really... don't tell me new hammer springs every round.
Funny you should say that jwpzx9r. Not actually in major competition (perish the thought!) but on one of the best days Pheasant Shooting I was ever invited to. It was an MT6 admittedly, but a Perazzi all the same. It now resides in an orchard in Herefordshire where I planted it, barrels down of course to avoid oil staining the stock, although I expect time has caused a little rust to appear since it got left there. I carried on (thankfully) with a borrowed Miroku and have never bought Perazzi again.

It would seem that 40up has had a recent problem or two, and I know personally of several other users who have had more than their fair share of problems. A Miroku and a Beretta which I have had in excess of 30 years, continue to function as they should, both without ever being opened up and serviced internally. I know where my favour lies. A Perazzi is not a gun I would like to have with me when my life depended on it, but I've used a few that I would trust with that scenario.

Never owned a Browning (Shotgun) though and wouldn't buy a Kreighoff if it was the last gun in the shop, so call me biased if you like.   :smile:

ok lets put it into perspective

perazzi are renowned for going through springs as 40up will tell you BUT people who like P for other reasons forgive this trait.

I have had in excess of 12 Beretta (not sure exactly as lost count) and I have never had any problems other than ejector timing which is no big deal oh and a truly awful trigger pull on a total heap of a DT10X ( the X stands for Xtra rubbish Imo)

both makes have and continue to win many titles. Yes you could have a B or even a K but come on really ?

just my opinion which doesn't count for much but there you go.


on the basis of reliability I will stick with beretta. Ask 40up if his spring and then ejector problem cost him targets. ??

regarding servicing. It is a fact that 40up has shot same gun for a bizzilion years and never had a service !!!

I have never had a Beretta serviced BUT then again I don't think I have owned one longer than five years !!!

no point as such just an observation

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Ask you self the question ... as Mr harry once said do you want a winner or a reliable heap of doings.... I am happy with mine never a problem, not saying it is not going to happen but again ask yourself the question.  You are supposed to be a competitor shooting the best cartridges because ..well they make a difference don't they ... so I am told............... however when it comes to the gun you will willingly shoot a load of Shoite simply because you perceive some sort of reliability in the gun! Wake up and smell the coffee, competitions are won with proper well made and proven competition guns not guns that are reliable but crap!

ooh. Beretta are not only proven reliable but proven on the podium.

"perazzi are renowned for going through springs as 40up will tell you BUT people who like P for other reasons forgive this trait."

Is like saying a race car needs regular maintaining... but if you want to win a race? A race team always make sure a car is ready to race but problems do arise even a well maintained gun is no different.

 On the other hand a few months back a DT10 breaks a spring very unusual but ... no bother just change it as it has a removable trigger unit ... eh no send it to a gun smith it is not a simple replacement job and try to beg a replacement trigger from someone on the forum. The P gun on the other hand... less than five minutes. Leaf springs will break make no mistake but they are replaceable and not the hardest job to fit or you could carry a trigger unit, very costly and un necessary. It is not that a spring will break, and any spring can, it is when that poses the problem... but ease of replacement is reassuring.

As I have mentioned several times, in the past 25yrs or so I have had two springs break.  And one firing pin.

As to that MT6?  They have coil springs so even if it broke it would still shoot.  And you left it in the mud?  I'm pretty close to calling BS on that one.

but that would just be me

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The MT6 problem wasn't springs I'm afraid. If it were only that it may have survived to shoot another day. The awful thing had a regular habit of dropping its fore end off, despite several returns to the dealer it was bought from. The final straw was actually a large crack in the action frame, which in my opinion at the time (and I was a very angry young man! I have since mellowed considerably) was "uneconomic to repair". It is still in residence in that orchard so I've heard, although it is looking a little weather beaten, as you might expect after over 30 years stuffed into the ground.

As an aside, I went to a local Gun Shop's open day last Saturday where they had a Perazzi dealer displaying his range. I say range loosely as he only had variations of MX2000 and MX12, and I must say that a 32" MX12 Sporter caught my eye, handled nicely and was balanced just right. I thought, as I looked it over with my enquiring eye, that it was indeed a fine weapon for a £3000 gun. Sadly the price ticket was in excess of £8000 for the basic gun, so my opinion of them being over-hyped and over-priced was still intact.

I suppose I understand the need for ownership of such a "Pedigree" gun as much as I understand the need for ownership of a Vintage Ferarri, which would need constant fettling just to keep it running. I just like things to do a job, and to do it well, at all times, with no excuses. In that respect I guess I still have that short fuse syndrome. For the same reason I would never own an old classic British Bike, but would gladly give the latest Japanese Rocket Ship some room in my garage.    :wink:

Ok time to join in! I've had three mx8's and loved each one, but all three went through springs as well as having a few other issues. Even though I adored the guns I could never get anywhere near consistent with any of them, even though I had each one fitted to me.

Ps, I know someone with an mx2005, I will be shooting it tomorrow, should be interesting!

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"perazzi are renowned for going through springs as 40up will tell you BUT people who like P for other reasons forgive this trait."

Is like saying a race car needs regular maintaining... but if you want to win a race? A race team always make sure a car is ready to race but problems do arise even a well maintained gun is no different.

 On the other hand a few months back a DT10 breaks a spring very unusual but ... no bother just change it as it has a removable trigger unit ... eh no send it to a gun smith it is not a simple replacement job and try to beg a replacement trigger from someone on the forum. The P gun on the other hand... less than five minutes. Leaf springs will break make no mistake but they are replaceable and not the hardest job to fit or you could carry a trigger unit, very costly and un necessary. It is not that a spring will break, and any spring can, it is when that poses the problem... but ease of replacement is reassuring.
oh yes you really have time to replace a spring when it breaks mid line cmon

the reality is you need a spare unit if your serious about your shooting

oh yes you really have time to replace a spring when it breaks mid line cmon

the reality is you need a spare unit if your serious about your shooting
I thought you got five minutes for a mechanical Ian? If you cannot change a Perazzi hammer spring in less than five mins you are incompetent. I do however think of any spring as being a consumable item regardless of what gun it is fitted to but with a Perazzi at least fitting a new spring is a cheap option for the owner. I bought my gun second hand and had no idea how many shells the springs had fired so the first thing I did was buy a spring and hammer kit cost about £100... 8k + rounds later I am still using the originals. Another thought about gun maintenance I don't think it is a ridiculous thought to change the springs every year it would cost less than £90 ... I know people I shoot with that pay more than that in cost difference for 3k of cartridges between my carts and theirs. I shoot Clever T2... a cartridge that is better than any shooter I know.  How easy is it see below... it is that easy and this guy is taking his time!

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its even easier to have a Beretta with equally good trigger pulls and not need to concern oneself with the inevitable!!!!!

just saying

:cool: :wink: ok girls, dt and mx are both great guns! Is this going to end up with handbags at ten paces?

I must say that a 32" MX12 Sporter caught my eye, handled nicely and was balanced just right. I thought, as I looked it over with my enquiring eye, that it was indeed a fine weapon for a £3000 gun. Sadly the price ticket was in excess of £8000 for the basic gun, so my opinion of them being over-hyped and over-priced was still intact.
How Much ?......My God that is eye watering, in fact it almost cracked the lens in my Pillas'

he started it :)
Did not ... he did! :)

Oh come on Wes £8k? A snip old boy!

Charlie, well I know Ian likes Italian designer stuff, John lives in France........ So who knows!

"For the same reason I would never own an old classic British Bike, but would gladly give the latest Japanese Rocket Ship some room in my garage.    :wink:  "

Terrible analogy you are totally missing the fact that the gun you are slating is still the most successful trap gun in use today, time after time they win WC , WCH and Olympic gold, silver or bronze medals...dodgy springs and all. BTW you can have coil springs if you want.  :)

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