Blaser F3

Clay, Trap, Skeet Shooting Forum

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rob my friend were you been. Well i know actually cos v8 told me. Hope your well.

Yup.. Thread  degraded into the normal load of false perceptions untruths and just well plain bo!!ox. 

There are sporting shots who like light fast game type  guns and also those that prefer a trap type gun

 Same goes for trap. Olympic Gold medals have been won with short barrels,  weighing 7 lb,  long barrels, weighing 9+ lb 

If the next worlds most outstanding sporting shot is a 5'4" waif using a 28" game gun then that's what everyone will want justified by it being more dinamic or by some  other BS such as the nature of type of targets have changed over the years to  back up the need to keep up with the latest fad.. 

Same goes for issues with guns. . 

Funny how proper gunsmiths opinions/experiances don't match whats written on here. 

What IS written on here that's so at odds with proper gunsmiths' opinions ? 

It's strange how one's opinion can vary depending on what one has for sale!

A lot of what is said on here is "Real World Experience" rather than marketing hype. Ignore it at your peril! Or perhaps repent at your leisure?  :smile:

Obviously that last comment was aimed at Krieghoff/Perazzi/Blaser/Beretta/Browning/Miroku owners (Insert gun brand of your choice), well, that's what I expect most of you to think?

you won't get better gun or cartridge reviews than on here by real world experience as Ian says above

Total thread drift now but I went for some drive belts for a old 2 drum mower and the sales man said why have you brought one of them they are sh*te,to which I replied, it still has your company logo on from when it was new,how good were they then? 

Obviously the latest version he had in stock would cut grass much better..


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