Blaser F3

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Some guns make champions and some gun makers BUY champions.
Well MD won all his golds with a Perazzi lets see how he gets on with a Beretta ! Beretta have done a lot of past champion buying over the last couple of years,proudly proclaiming their wins on their web site... as though they won them shooting a Beretta . , lets see how that pans out for them. The have won a few but the Perazzi shooters are going to have a bad day now and then :)  

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Some guns make champions and some gun makers BUY champions.
Couldn't have put it better.  :)  

There is no doubt that the Perazzi along with all the other main makes such as Beretta, Krieghoff, Blaser, Miroku, Browning, Zoli and CG etc, etc make great guns all of which are capable of winning big in the right hands. So it confuses me why some people are so keen to jump up and defend theirs as if it's somehow provably better !  :rolleyes:

I have shot and handled plenty of Perazzi but as nice as they are they do not have any magical handling capabilities as some seem to think, nor are they in any shape or form superior mechanically to quite a few makes out there. To me the Krieghoffs and DT10/11 ooze obvious engineering excellence, even I can tell that merely by holding them up close and looking at various parts. The Perazzi in comparison feels no better engineered than my many 682 variants I've owned over the years, the only difference being in the trigger pulls which are admittedly not uber good on 682's but then they cost 75% less ! 

Perazzi are excellent at buying champions, nothing wrong with that, it's called marketing nous but lets not confuse the number of championships won with what would have happened in an equally split use of makes. ;)

Well MD won all his golds with a Perazzi lets see how he gets on with a Beretta ! Beretta have done a lot of past champion buying over the last couple of years,proudly proclaiming their wins on their web site... as though they won them shooting a Beretta . , lets see how that pans out for them. The have won a few but the Perazzi shooters are going to have a bad day now and then :)  
I can't help but surmise that trap shooting, with its hugely simplistic gun movement range, must be the least demanding discipline in terms of gun handling requirements. Definitely one for the manufacturer to buy the champion..

I can't help but surmise that trap shooting, with its hugely simplistic gun movement range, must be the least demanding discipline in terms of gun handling requirements. Definitely one for the manufacturer to buy the champion..
And you would know that of course because you have won so many trap shooting Olympic gold's .

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And you would know that of course because you have won so many trap shooting Olympic gold's .
Yes I probably equal your vast knowledge of anything that requires actual gun movement in multiple planes.

Contrary to what you are likely thinking - which is that I am slating trap shooting- I am not - that's your paranoia- I am merely stating that a guns handling characteristics are totally explored in sporting, via the huge repertoire of movements, different hold styles and speeds required. I have had a fair bit of experience in experimenting with different guns through a huge range of movements and it's tough. I do think that trap shooting must require a far smaller degree of gun acclimatising than sporting. That doesn't mean trap is easy to win Gold medals in does it? No.. A different conversation.

"Perazzi are excellent at buying champions, nothing wrong with that, it's called marketing nous but lets not confuse the number of championships won with what would have happened in an equally split use of makes. ;)  "

Lets be clear here Perazzi did not always buy champions but they have made many and the ones who can still shoot are still using Perazzi... Beretta are now buying champions ...ex  Perazzi shooting champions lets see how that goes for them .


With out being too rude can I ask an honest question what would anybody on here know about being an Olympic trap champion and what kit you may or mat not choose to use... with the exception of RF.

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I'm old enough to remember GD winning anything that wasn't bolted down with a Kemen, before that he was doing the same with the old spec 682, you know the one that handles like a lump of brick  :D , before that still he was pot hunting with a Parker Hale if memory serves.

Perazzi pulled a blinder signing him, he's been worth every penny because it transformed them from a largely Trap oriented make into what they are today. Most serious makes are good enough for the job, most shooters aren't. 

Yes I probably equal your vast knowledge of anything that requires actual gun movement in multiple planes.

Contrary to what you are likely thinking - which is that I am slating trap shooting- I am not - that's your paranoia- I am merely stating that a guns handling characteristics are totally explored in sporting, via the huge repertoire of movements, different hold styles and speeds required. I have had a fair bit of experience in experimenting with different guns through a huge range of movements and it's tough. I do think that trap shooting must require a far smaller degree of gun acclimatising than sporting. That doesn't mean trap is easy to win Gold medals in does it? No.. A different conversation.
Eh ? No you are applying a very limited knowledge of what is required to shoot perfect trap and sorry failing. Just because you think that to you shooting sporting requires a set of requirements does not in anyway mean that there are any lesser requirements to shoot trap. Far from me being paranoid you are applying your sporting knowledge to another entirely different discipline. I don't shoot sporting and I don't ever try to draw any parallel between may perception of trap shooting and sporting... if I every have it has been, I can assure you jocular. I am far from paranoid I have never made any comment about the two disciplines and what is required to shoot them ... I do however hear lots of blow from the sporting shooters on here about the simplicity of trap shooting.

Flippin Eck!!! Its only a game, no matter what the discipline. Give a top shooter just about any gun and he is likely to shoot the rest of us into the floor. You can believe whatever you wish about any gun and any discipline, but it always comes down to one thing, the bloke pulling the trigger. Can we please put the handbags away now?

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It's so weird listening to hardened Competition Shooters, no matter what the discipline. So fussy, so opinionated and so picky!

I'm glad I don't see this kind of "one-upmanship" in real Sporting Shooting. Most Game Shooters just get on with the job in hand, with whatever equipment they have, and enjoy their day.  :smile:

I apologise if I hurt anyone's feelings by reporting the demise of a certain make of gun. I had no idea you would take it so personally.  :???:

this is jolly good fun and les and I were not to blame on this occasion.

as for anyone on here with an international understanding of trap and proven record we have 40up . philr . Mr Addison. So ask them.

agree with hammy and les, within certain limits of gun fit etc great shooters will prevail with any gun this is proven by there willingness to jump ship. Never known a great shooters scores to drop off after a change of gun make. Furthermore yes Beretta are doing well with securing shooters from other makes which kind of proves that Beretta guns are very good otherwise these top shooters would not be tempted away.

Even I would shoot a Perazzi if it were given to me (and replaced every time it broke!).

Of course, the cash incentive would help too, and the VIP treatment at Championships. Not sure I'd handle fame too well though as I don't suffer fools gladly (Ok, I'm a miserable old git!), but there's so many things I'd sell my soul for if the right offer came along.  :angel:

apparently many shooters of note are using p guns with coil spring adaptions in order to avoid having to do a repair in the middle of a comp. Of course many are so experienced at trigger changes they can do it between 5 and 1 without anyone even knowing.

not mentioning any names or numbers of course :)

I heard, that in DTL there's time to change springs between the first and second barrel as it's so slowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww?  :p

I love how this thread is titled "Blaser F3", and its filled with DT Vs Mx, trap vs sporting and dtl vs "everything else because dtl is so easy and boring & slow".

Ive shot two blasers, one was an F3 with a very low comb that I couldnt shoot (thats my excuse and im sticking to it), and the other was a fantastic At2 super trap, owned by another member on this site. Ive raved about it before on here, but it was the nicest handling, smoothest and most comfortable gun Ive shot in my admittedly short shooting career. The quality finish on it was just superb, it felt right, I loved it before I even fired it


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