Ian you are saying, I assume, I cannot accept ABT for what it is. I do accept it for what it is.. a discipline that will never in its current format gain any international standing as a championship event. From my point of view you are the one failing to accept it for what it is... an unfair format in which, though for some reason you insist on quoting them, the statistics are meaningless... and yet you continue to deny it. Any view I put forward re the acceptability of the format is given as feedback from French shooters with whom I have discussed the topic. This is a thread about a new trap discipline being rolled out for competition. I am talking from a certain amount of knowledge of what is going on in French shooting and where that differs greatly from the UK is that the clubs are very much different here they are owned by the members for the members and all are well established with FU and FO facilities. These clubs are not going to waste time and money on buying traps to shoot competitions that nobody is going to be interested in, in France FU is king it is that simple and 95% of the clubs have the facilities they need to hold competitions every month and have at least 75 shooters turn out. Our league is adjacent to two other leagues so every weekend in a fairly compact area, although this is France its a big country, there are up to 220 maybe more shooters shooting in FU competitions. A new ABT based format is not going to make an impact on any of that . But don't tell me that I do not accept ABT for what it is I do.abt "was" extremely popular in France I believe, I didn't know that it no longer was.
as for computerised abt ...well it wouldn't be abt would it. The beauty of abt was and remains simplicity and low cost to install. I really don't see why anyone can't accept it for what it is.
Well firstly there is nothing odd about me and I am not a frog but see above. Secondly can you let me know why FO can be unfair to some shooters.I do, its just the odd frog that has the hump![]()