My not having any desire to argue is based on simple facts and not suppositions. Bio-mechanics, simple geometry, and physics are not actually amenable to opinion. Much like where the sun rises each morning.
Whatever your motivation for having a gun fitted, comb height being a major component of that process, if your goal is the view over the gun and not the POI then you are faced with accommodating the gun's geometry rather than modifying the guns's geometry to accommodate yours. I absolutely admire those of you who can adapt to a gun shooting wherever. I know that I cannot and the adjustable combs allow me to fix the POI where it does not require any correction factor to put the pattern on the target. The gun shoots where I look - period. Just for ref I'd refer you to the old Churchill guy that built the guns with the same name. He wrote several books on the topic of shooting. Seemed to think that having a gun that shoots where you look was important. He used a try gun to adjust the POI so the gun would do just that - not to make a pretty view. Oh, yeah - why would anyone bother with a try gun if those adjustments didn't really do anything? Just wondering.
But there is one small downside to the gun not shooting where you look. There will always be that semi-conscious consideration of allowing for whatever correction factor is required. And there will always be those occasional targets that just don't get the right correction and you miss. And totally aside from losing the target, that seems to me to be steps on the path to flinching big time - second guessing when it's time to shoot. Besta luck on that one.
On those chokes - pretty much standard Perazzi trap chokes. Even with the skeet gun, factory Tula chokes, the 24gm loads pattern like a hammer. On the plate at 24yds that gun/load has about a 20" pattern. On the skeet field if I center the target, not a common happening sad to say, from anywhere it is smoke. With the trap guns even the 5/10 first barrel will smoke half a target, usually the back half, also sad to say. 24gm loads are intense performers. OT folks kill with 2nd barrels at nothing less than insane distances with them simply because of how they pattern.
This has been really fun. Not as much fun as listening to the BS ATA shooters hold as gospel, and I mean nothing compared to the world of magik the electric guitar/amplifier people live in. Thanks for the laffs.