Proxy Vote Attendee Needed for Ex AGM

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The East Midlands Position has been sent out via postal ballot to all East Midlands members. It is between Clive Hames and Philip Simpson - the closing date for votes is October 11th so hopefully the successful person will be announced before the EGM. The region will then be properly represented and should there be a vote for Chair the EM Director will have the opportunity to put themselves forward.

I know Clive but do not know Philip so will have to do some investigating before I make my vote :)
Good luck Jules.

Wonder what made Philip stand...or has someone encouraged him to?

Is he easily contactable? Has he met with the Regional committee yet to discuss what he can do for the region.?

Not sure about the first 2 questions but I did see Janet on Sunday and she didn't know much about him either. Unfortunately the regional committee haven't had a meeting scheduled during the 2 week voting period.

I'm going to do some investigating today.

All I'd like is someone who is honest & fair, who will make sensible decisions that they have independently researched and who will fight for the whole membership but with loyalty to the members of our region.

Wow..... So this person has not been in contact with the regional committee or their chairwoman.....but he wants to represent that region??

What a bloody strange way to go about this important regional position.

Does he know anything about the workings of the region??

Well to be fair, the Regional Committee did support and vote for Clive. Maybe he feels as though it would be difficult to make contact whilst Clive is (almost) already acting in the position and a long standing member of the committee.

I am sure that if he is successful he will cement relationships then.

I saw Philip at the weekend and he mentioned that he is standing as he wants to get more involved. 

For those who do not know him, Philip is a highly regarded shooter, and, in my experience, is impecably honest and fair. He has acted as chief referee at the English Open Sporting last year and the British Open Sporting this year, and is a very well known face on the sporting circuit - having represented England many many times. 

Whilst it was only mentioned in passing and I didn't discuss whether he liaised with the regional commitee before putting himself forward, I do not think that this should be a bar.  As Julesy has mentioned (and I do not know), it may be that he did not feel comfortable liaising with the EM committee when they had made their preferred candidate so clear. 

All in all, I think it is very positive that, whoever is successful, the EM region will have a director actively elected by the members.   It is also good that someone who has not been actively involved in the politics to date is willing to put their head above the parapet and offer to represent their region. 

Thanks Sara, that's good to know. I agree that it is a good thing that our Director will have been elected by the members.

I would like to second Sara's comments regarding Philip Simpson, he is a genuine, honest & open member of our association.

He has a wealth of knowledge & experiance of all things shooting within the CPSA as competitor, referee & team captain of our country.

He is the older brother of Barry Simpson, another genuine gentleman of our beloved sport.

Philip is based in Cambridgeshire, he is centrally located to the E/M region & is often seen on the Sporting/FITASC circuit.

Thanks Phil....

Back on topic.....

Have you all found your voting forms for the EGM .... The one where you can retain your rights to vote for the Chairman by voting against the new Articles....which take it off you..


Not got my mag yet :(
Running out of time IPS.....can I suggest that you ring HQ. Others have also told me of this problem.

I wonder how many people in total have not had their magazines and proxy form.

Got mine a couple of days ago. Still mulling over if I have the time and inclination to attend said EGM in person. It's a long way for a Yes/No vote.


Hi Nic,

Is Mr Greenwood still willing to accept more proxy votes? I am just about to send my and my fathers forms....



Hi Russ. 

Yes you can use his name. See earlier on in the post for the CPSA number etc.

Hope you are settled in now up there and found somewhere good to shoot.


Didn't receive Pull mag this month, so phoned the CPSA yesterday lunchtime and they sent out a copy and the form which I have received today. COmpleted and returned.


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