Shoot Clay Support Challenge

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I agree it is a wonderful thought and I appreciate it, an idea I like even better, is how about we all put in a couple of quid extra and donate it to Cancer Research, that would really make my day, cheers all, Growl

Great idea graham lost both parents to cancer very generous of you

I agree it is a wonderful thought and I appreciate it, an idea I like even better, is how about we all put in a couple of quid extra and donate it to Cancer Research, that would really make my day, cheers all, Growl
Ok like I said 49.50 needs rounding up ,, how about 55.00 quid and the 5.50 extra goes to cancer reseach ?
I agree it is a wonderful thought and I appreciate it, an idea I like even better, is how about we all put in a couple of quid extra and donate it to Cancer Research, that would really make my day, cheers all, Growl
Ladies and gentleman I think we have a winner :)
More than happy to go with 28boreshots £55
Thanks growl for everything you done to organise this day and even better if we as shootclay members can give a small donation to cancer research, as we all nevr know whats around the wife has battled for over 14 years and still going strong..:)
Just a thought but why don't we all chip in a little extra and give Growl a free day for all his work putting this together ?
Good one Adam.

no brainer really (the idea, not Growl!! :biggrin:  ) - your only talking a couple of quid each.

Growl, would you be kind enough to add me to your list, will confess also am a bit of a regular at Coleys, it's just down the road etc. if any of the merry shooters are considering travelling up the day before and needing somewhere to stay, The Green Dragon is on the doorstep and has a decent reputation.

Growl, would you be kind enough to add me to your list, will confess also am a bit of a regular at Coleys, it's just down the road etc. if any of the merry shooters are considering travelling up the day before and needing somewhere to stay, The Green Dragon is on the doorstep and has a decent reputation.
We also have a special rate at the newly owned Frogmill Hotel, just 5 mins from the shooting ground too. The Green Dragon as Rich says is also a lovely place to stay.

Thanks growl for everything you done to organise this day and even better if we as shootclay members can give a small donation to cancer research, as we all nevr know whats around the wife has battled for over 14 years and still going strong.. :)

Ok like I said 49.50 needs rounding up ,, how about 55.00 quid and the 5.50 extra goes to cancer reseach ?
Couldnt agree more Mark :good:   

No probs with the cost very good idea to make a donation in helping a worthy cause

I agree it is a wonderful thought and I appreciate it, an idea I like even better, is how about we all put in a couple of quid extra and donate it to Cancer Research, that would really make my day, cheers all, Growl
Absolutely fine with me.


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