Shoot Clay Support Challenge

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Ok buddy will do, the cost of the trophy is on me no prob's.

The old English shotgun is a different story, waiting to hear from a few chaps see if I can’t get it for a beer or two.
The gun is a great idea -

I'm happy to help - let me know

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Think I can probably rock up to this one :) Mrs Fuz is at karate so will probably be at a loose end.

Hi growl, I may have missed this somewhere but what is plan for 16th ? All day job ? Sporting/sportrap/skeet not worried just interest ed .looking forward to seeing and meeting people from shoot clay. :)

I am just waiting for a reply from Coleys, I am hoping to try and do 80 esp, 20 double rise, 25 skeet, 25 compact, so yep an all day start at 11:00 cheers

I am just waiting for a reply from Coleys, I am hoping to try and do 80 esp, 20 double rise, 25 skeet, 25 compact, so yep an all day start at 11:00 cheers
Cant wait sounds fun....bring on the wooden spoon for me ;)
Growl, if you want me to supply a banner or two or any other signs for the day in question just let me know?
I'll let you know thanks Ian, numbers seem a little low at the moment so may only be a small cozy affair. :imsohappy:

Hi all, I am still trying to get in touch with Phil Coley, I'll update as soon as I know anything.

confirmed so far is:


Andy and April






DAVE_B and Vika


and me, so that gives us 12 so far, please can any others let me know if you are up for this - I will update with costs etc as soon as I have sorted things with Phil

cheers all, Growl :crazypilot:

I would like to do this to meet some of you guys on the forum, to have a shoot at Coleys and I'm going to be another one chasing the wooden spoon as I have not yet done a registered shoot!

Dont worry bout registered shoots and stuff robert with growls format its a chance to try loads of other formats

Hi Growl  -  sorry but we are not going to be able to make this one due to other commitments.

Wish it every success, and hope you do manage to organise another one more over the east of the country, as suggested previously.

I would like to do this to meet some of you guys on the forum, to have a shoot at Coleys and I'm going to be another one chasing the wooden spoon as I have not yet done a registered shoot!
Thats great news Robert, shame GG and Mrs GG cannot make it but I'm sure we will catch up at another session, cheers. :eek:k:

confirmed so far is:


Andy and April






DAVE_B and Vika




Growl (er)

So 14 and counting!

Not going to be how to make this one, its my little girls 2nd birthday :girlcrazy:   so won't  be how to get away , well not if I want to keep all my bits were they should be :rabbi: hope all goes well , think of me with 20 sreaming kids round me :roulette:


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