Shoot Clay Support Challenge

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Not sure if were coming mate, booked on at Westfield for the Fitasc on the same day, its going to be an on the spot early morning decision where we go ?
Ah well, we'll see then.  Would be good to see you both.

I have shot a few flushes and agree good fun for all, not sure if we could do that at Coleys though, I'll get Phil's thoughts on it. Phil himself is not at the ground that day which is a shame, he says he will ensure we are looked after, I hope to have finalised the layout and costs this weekend and will let all know. Are you all ok if we still have this as a fur n feather with a cap on max price for prizes of £30, min of say £8, prizes can be wrapped or not, let me know if this is something you are happy to go along with, don't want to put anyone off with costs, admin did mention the possibility of putting up a winners shield, couple of prizes mentioned for bottom of the running. Planning for this to be a yearly event with a north and south pre-growler before the next one (tba). Thanks all, regards, Growl.

Growl, just seen a few other comments on the forum - so before I ring you over the weekend - we can do a flush, not a problem, will need to load for each other (again trying to keep your costs down). We will do  Sporting, Compak, Double Trap and potentially DTL. I will let the thread run overnight and speak with you tomorrow, should see the consensus then. Phil

Quote - Are you all ok if we still have this as a fur n feather

Sorry to be thick, but what does this mean - never come across this before (must mix in the wrong circles :jester:  )

Not thick at all buddy, it just means that everyone who shoots brings along a prize, they are all put out wrapped or otherwise at the end of the shoot, in order of position you get to choose a prize, so you all take something away, sometimes better than you came with, sometimes worse, cheers Growl.

Quote - Are you all ok if we still have this as a fur n feather

Sorry to be thick, but what does this mean - never come across this before (must mix in the wrong circles :jester:  )
I'm glad you asked Phil - you were not the only one wondering what it was!

I'm fine with it and makes a lot of sense

Me too, didn't have a clue!

We are both happy with whatever is arranged.

As has been mentioned, provided someone explains each of the disciplines!

Hi all, Phil has got back to me with some suggestions and I believe this is what we will be going for:

75 Sporting

25 DTL

10 Double Trap

25 Sportrap (Compak)

45 Flush (3 Man flush, so 15 targets each)

That gives us 135 competition, plus the Flush - 150 targets all together.

Everyone scores themselves, or one team scores as the othersr, maybe teams of 3 (3 man teams), then send out two teams of 3 to each stand - for the Trap & Compak Coleys will have one of their team with us.

rather than giving us a discount, Coleys will include tea/coffee, bacon roll or full English on arrival, with a burger or similar at the end, plus they will put up a prize too.


The price per person will be £49.50 to include food and the competition.


I think this is a fair price for what will be a fulkl day's shooting and food included, on top of this you just need a fur-n-feather prize (see earlier in the posts) and your cartridges.


I suggest an 11 am start to allow for those travelling a good way, hope this suits and we are all happy with this, let me know.


Best regards, Growl.


:hunter:   :hunter:  


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