Syren ladies gun for test?

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Robert....i am not going to be goaded into any discussion about LOP when it is not important. (Women are not robots......'you must shoot a gun with a Lop of...????).

The information given is to help the women out there go and try this gun with confidence knowing that it is a much better fit for a woman than normal. It is then up to each 'woman' to make up their own mind.

I know you like to talk Robert.... but this discussion really was supposed to be amongst the ladies....... not men just rambling on about what they prefer to know and what they 'think women want or should have'. (Women don't think like that) doh....!!

Ladies.....I am off because I can see where this will now end up.....every Tom Dick or Harry who has not see or tried the gun will start dissecting the information given (by 'women' ...who have 'shot' the gun) and start giving their opinion as to what 'we' want.....and I would find it really hard to not reply......So if you want more info feel free to PM me.

Signing off....

Toodle pip. :wink:

Ladies, many thanks for taking the time to write excellent reports.

Sounds like you had a good day and it sounds like you were all for the best part impressed with the lady gun, impressive that CG have already implemented some of your constructive comments re comb height etc.


Thanks for the interesting observations TB and JKC and top marks to CG for their response,  Who cares about LOP in any case  :crazy:

As a woman, I think the reviews were great.

To hear how it felt and fitted was the most important thing to me. I have tried many guns and find most incredibly uncomfortable (unless they have been seriously modified for little women). I am a tiny person!

I can read about the technical measurements at a later date (if I ever get that bored!) but right now I am encouraged to try it and will encourage other lady shooters to give it a whirl.

Thanks Nic, JKC and Don. Thank you for the time spent trying it and the time you have taken out of your busy lives to tell us about it :)

As a man - thanks for the excellent write ups, very useful - and absolutely is a gun my wife (Karen) will be trying.

Adjustable comb is an excellent idea, and I think the rubber comb is an even better one - my Browning has it (Ultra XTR) and it really is very comfortable, that's why as a beginner I chose it.

Those of us cursed with cheekbones which aren't well padded will appreciate it!


"Who cares about LOP in any case"

​Well firstly if you had read my earlier posts you will know I do . . . . . . . and more importantly the reasons why, which I still believe are valid. Especially bearing in mind that I am interested not by trying to be a smart arse, but because I have always tried to obtain the best I possibly can for my wife and her shooting, and in the past our purchases for her have always been an expensive gamble.

She is now really happy with her CG Challenger which has been considerably adjusted to her, and luckily it does not seem to have affected the balance to a bad degree. However, it would have been less of a gamble if she had been able to test the gun with a LOP closer to her requirement, even if it still needed some albeit lesser adjustment. I also think this would apply to many, although obviously not all, current and prospective lady shooters. And of course those ladies that can cope with the longer LOP's still have a huge amount of other guns to choose from anyway.

So, when discussing a new concept gun which is unrepentantly being marketed at lady shooters, my request for the LOP was one of simple curiosity, entirely valid, and did not require huge debate, or sarcastic responses.

I am still hoping that Don will be able to simply provide the info to satisfy my curiosity?

"Who cares about LOP in any case"
Sorry but I was just making a little jokette, (see my use of initials/acronyms) would you please read my post again with that in mind. It was not aimed at anyone in particular and certainly not at you personally. 

Ok GG as you have answered in this friendly way. I will add another reply.

Tell me please......what would be the difference to you if it was 13" or 13.1/2" ?

Do you tell your wife what LOP to use?

I am sure you know that 'feel' is a much better way of deciding if a gun feels comfortable or not.

It was already clearly stated that the alterations were on the stock only and the shorter stock being one of them. The LOP is not the important thing...the feel is.

All guns feel different between various manufacturers. I have several guns from different manufacturers with difference LOP's...and different LOP's depending on what i am shooting (the LOP for Fitasc sporting is not the same as the LOP for trap....just saying)...but all fit exactly right. I am sure that no one would seriously want to say to a partner when 'she' say that something does not feel right...'oh yes it is because i have measured the LOP you need'...............surely not :laugh: i said......the gun has to be tried and the person trying it will make up their own mind (if they know how to 'feel something).

Ladies please go and try this and make up your own matter what husbands or boyfriends think.

(And note...there is no sarcasm in my post...i have tried to make it as accurate as i could with the information that 'I' a woman....think that other women would be interested in).

It is a 'woman's subject' after all....!

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Nic - you know me, and you for sure know that I am always positive and supportive of Pam's shooting.

Over the past 8/9 years that we have been shooting shotguns, we have gone through quite a few gun purchases (eight now I think) for Pam to try and find something that really suits her. However, every single gun that we have purchased has come out of the box or off the shelf with an LOP of 14 1/2 inches or greater.

At the same time we have also spent considerable amounts of money getting each and every one of those guns fitted by professional gunsmiths to Pam's requirement. It is purely from having gone down that route that I happen to know that the LOP requirement for Pam is 13 inches, and this has varied only by approx 1/8 inch depending upon the actual gun.

I am certainly NOT telling Pam how long the stock on her gun should be, but it has been the consistent result of her guns being fitted over the years by the likes of Tim Greenwood, Brian Farr and Jim Spalding, and also acknowledged by the likes of John Dyson and Tracy Riddington.

As to what the difference would be to me if the gun was 13" or 13 1/2" . . . . . . . . . . actually none whatsoever, but for Pam to go into a gunshop in pursuit of a new gun purchase, and be able to try mounting a gun with LOP 13 - 13 1/2" rather than 14 1/2 to 15 1/2" would enable her to get a much better "feel" for that gun, even if some tweaks of a much smaller nature were still required to make it just perfect. If, as suggested by Salop, the gun came as standard with 14 1/2" stock, then it would be disappointing for the reasons previously stated. Women that can handle a LOP of 14 1/2" already have many guns to choose from, if you understand what I mean?

And, as stated, I am sure that scenario would be repeated amongst many other current or prospective lady shooters.

As for making a "friendly" response, I have no reason to respond otherwise, other than trying to make my point that my simple request for the LOP dimensions on this concept gun were perfectly valid, in my opinion.  :beach:

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Maybe you did not read my report on page 3 where i started off saying "My take on this is that lots of women picking it up will like it straightaway because the stock is shorter."

I did try to give all the 'useful' information needed.

(don't know why the capitals have come on..but cannot get them off now...sorry).

Can we please leave this page now for ladies to comment on and ask questions.....that is the whole point of us spending our time going down there to try this new gun. I would hate to see it taken off subject into 'he said she said' stuff.

I'm not a lady - but maybe I can ask a question:

Did they reveal when these will be on general release (i.e. available to buy)?



I am a lady.

Thats when the fight started

Does anyone have an idea of what the potential price of this gun will be? My Girlfriend is currently looking into purchasing her own gun, after using my MK60 which the fit is terrible for her. Good to hear that they are finally producing guns that won't need a horrendous amount of adjustment to fit women.

Realise I am not a woman, but my GF isn't a forum member......

Good birthday present....think of the brownie points...
True and seeing as how I have just bought my first gun, and spend all hours down the shooting ground, I could do with all the brownie points I can get.......think I may need a second job to pay for this hobby :)
I'm not a lady - but maybe I can ask a question: Did they reveal when these will be on general release (i.e. available to buy)? Thanks Pete
Listen you have been told you have to at least pretend to be a lady, you never know you may like it.


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