The future of ABT

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I should have added that I have been back to Bev many times since and never had a re-occurrence :)

Some of the squad members can be a tardy in getting to the layouts but that happens everywhere I guess.

Love Beverley. Just wish it were 100 miles closer to Tamworth :) Even 50 would do!


I should have added that I have been back to Bev many times since and never had a re-occurrence :)

Some of the squad members can be a tardy in getting to the layouts but that happens everywhere I guess.

Love Beverley. Just wish it were 100 miles closer to Tamworth :) Even 50 would do!

( Snap ) it is a 240 mile round trip for me, if i win the lotto you will have one closer !

Also if i win the lotto i will buy IPS and make him ref all the time @ my new ground  :laugh:

Surely you mean 240 each way.

I would gladly ref for you if you sort us a ground in North west. Honest I would. :)

Surely you mean 240 each way.

you should of posted that @ 

Dog Tyred
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I was told over the weekend that quite a few have booked on directly with The ground - don't know if it true or not - I'm booking on tomorrow, just waiting for 1 of my mates to confirm a preferred time squad ! Personally I don't see how they can have booked on with the ground but .....  :popcorn:

I have and always do.


you cannot pre book a squad time or peg. These types of shoot are drawn at random late Fri afternoon.

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re the future of abt

classification cut offs now within .1% of OT so what's the point may as well shoot OT. I have said for a few years that abt is as hard as OT ..... I rest my case. Some twerp decided to make it same speed as OT ..... That was a really good idea and didn't put people off at all ...... Did it ?

oh and if anyone wants to know why dtl shooters don't move on to abt its not just because of its difficulty its equally because of having to referee for free. Pro refs provided at all dtl shoots ...

just saying

Golfers I understand manage to referee each other. Having had the experience of qualified FITASC referees attempting to work on OT and UT I'd rather have an experienced shooter. Two are scorers, the most experienced is the referee. Guns who don't know the rules should read them before taking part. Use the time to study other shooters. Knowing that the pointy bit goes towards the target is not sufficient. Inexperienced shooters should decline the button until they are ready. Should ABT be reduced to 65 metre and a single scorer? Yes. 

Agree ot may well be better with shooters reffing but grass roots abt has no need as long as target speed is not stupid having said that the ground owners 14yr old son refs abt on his own never makes a mistake and its the hardest fastest abt you will ever shoot at our local little club .

In the not so distant past a DTL shooter would go over to ABT for a while and make the transition quickly enough, some stayed or even progressed further and some looked forward to an occasional foray and reverted. It added to Trap and the variety was interesting. While the targets were faster they did not require a long learning process to become reasonably competitive with more regular ABT shooters. The ARC of stands was the same, the hold points on the 'house' were similar and it made for an enjoyable variation.

I know one Olympian who progressed from a very successful DTL 'career' through ABT to high level OT.

Now the transition from DTL isn't even attempted due to the specialist nature of the ABT that exists now. 

I'm certain there are some who shoot DTL who would love a faster target, it might give them an advantage, but it wouldn't be allowed.

What happened that let ABT be set up now so it that disadvantages the DTL shooter.

I find it harder to go from fast ABT or OT to DTL or a slower high hanging ABT target.The good thing with a fast ABT is you can train for OT without spending a fortune running up and down the country looking for a OT layout. 

no more abt up north than ot


abt is NOT training for OT it is or should be or rather was a totally different discipline harder than dtl not as hard as OT except now it is and is therefore fast becoming a nonsense Imo.

I shall be booking Mary and myself on with BCTC tomorrow. I hope it's full on ABT to frighten off you sissy *******????


got new phone lost your email. Please email me on my outlook. Cheers.
