Bobbin mill

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Well-known member
Jul 19, 2012
Has anyone shot at Bobbin mill near Lancaster ?

They now do DTL practice apparently so might be handy for the odd sun shoot when there is nothing on :)

Yes and dtl now apparently. I have never been but might be an option occasionally

Same probkem as you may have soon les. Many miles to cover to shoot reg targets and its becoming a drag. I have been predicting for a few years now that soon we will all be shooting glorified straw balers due to the demise of reg grounds in some areas.

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A friend of mine who lives close to it is going to give it a reccy.

Same probkem as you may have soon les. Many miles to cover to shoot reg targets and its becoming a drag. I have been predicting for a few years now that soon we will all be shooting glorified straw balers due to the demise of reg grounds in some areas.
You could well be right mate! I have to say that many years ago, when I lived up country, I sometimes used to go to a very small club in Hertfordshire, it was called "Cupid Green Skeet and ABT Club".  It was very small,very friendly and very cheap! They didn't do registered shoots, it was all done just for fun, no real club house, just a big shed with a kettle and a few seats in it, the targets were absolutely spot on though! It had an atmosphere that I never found anywhere else, everyone seemed to know everyone and it was as much a social occasion as an afternoons shooting! Don't know if it's still there though.

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i know what you mean the A6 was a very friendly club Partictlarily when it was formerly westhoughton gun club. I think the future is with these smaller clubs who do not have the same financial running costs as the larger grounds who all seem to get to a stage were it becomes a business and emphasis goes to corporate days and the like. My prediction is that we will go full circle within a decade and it will be like the 80s when you and I started and the big event in fact for some the only event of the year was bywel weekend and 500 plus guns. Maybe we are spread to thickly now and there are too many events so people pick a few to do meaning most are under subscribed. One thing is for sure IMO shooting will never be like it was in the 80s or am i just being nostalgic.


i know what you mean the A6 was a very friendly club Partictlarily when it was formerly westhoughton gun club. I think the future is with these smaller clubs who do not have the same financial running costs as the larger grounds who all seem to get to a stage were it becomes a business and emphasis goes to corporate days and the like. My prediction is that we will go full circle within a decade and it will be like the 80s when you and I started and the big event in fact for some the only event of the year was bywel weekend and 500 plus guns. Maybe we are spread to thickly now and there are too many events so people pick a few to do meaning most are under subscribed. One thing is for sure IMO shooting will never be like it was in the 80s or am i just being nostalgic.
Fred said to me only the other day, that he reckons the likes of us have seen clay shooting's best days. It has now changed so much in one way or another. I guess it would be nice to get back to the "shed in field" sort of trap ground, as opposed to the larger corporate sites. When I first started trap shooting, we had small club comps, not registered ones, but almost every trap shooter for miles would attend. I won a few medals, which have been lost though various house moves over the years, but I did win a Gold Browning tie pin on one occasion and I still have that for some reason. Happy days!!!!!


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