Dubai Tournament

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Really??  I guess he just wants to watch his hero in action, then...

Bugger going all that way just to watch!  Each to their own, I suppose. 

Just watched Dubai sports interview with pete Wilson he's such an ambassador to the sport brilliant, then watched the same guy interview miles gebben and Scott Kidd jnr, kept referring to gebben as miles all the way through and fair play he never corrected him on air which would have been a bit awkward? He did however remarked how the two American shooters were dressed like golfers and how Dubai host great golf tourneys ......oh well at least it's shooting on TV which we don't normally get eh.

They're having a great time!  Heat isn't a problem for him, just the targets!  But he did better today, so just hope he keeps it together for the rest of the comp.

Still jealous as hell, mind!

Very pleased to see one of my best mates in the top 10...  and some good GB representation in there... 

Its nice to see Sean Brambley up with the BIG Dogs again!  lovely bloke, I hope he earns some money. :hunter:

This is brilliant. Well done to Matt.

Good to see a couple of Brits vying for honours and 6 Brits in the top 20!

Come on Graham Sirzaker...only 10 off the lead. Pull your finger out!!


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Calm down boys...there is a long way to go yet...and different layout to shoot :wink:

another tough day at the office....... put in a 16 that made me smile....followed by an 11 that didnt! .  about 3 light today on my ability or rather lack of it.....nice to see though that im still managing to keep in front of a few people... :)

Just had a good look at day 2 and it is starting to get even more exciting than an excited thingy...!

Still wide open. :wink:

First 100 clays done , shot 59 x 100 , never seen clays like this before , and before someone says its all to easy in the uk , these are really hard to read with a lot of edge on clays flat out rolling in towards the sand , lots of jcb loaders with some huge crossers on them and others driven flat out into the sand , good long rabbits , good battues , teals ( we shot a teal yesterday in the wind starting at 35 yards away powering away to about 130 yards , then behind that was a vertical teal 20 yards further back being blown back in the wind , I hit both in the singles and then we had them as a simo pair , hit the first missed the back one at around 110 yards , monsters

This shoot infrastructure is second to none , the hospitality is second to none , the refs are excellent really on the ball handing out yellow cards when needed , really friendly people everywhere , what do people think to the difficult level of the targets ??? I don't know I am hearing conflicting views .

I'm enjoying it Steve.
Yes it's hard but it's all new to me. Seeing lead pictures I didn't think existed.
Great seeing them break way out with massive gaps.
54/100 for me.

Nice to see you finding new horizons Steve :wink:

Praise da Lordy :laugh:

Nothing like a bit of good old days Fitasc to sort them all out :wink: and give everyone enjoyment at the same time.

If step 1 is to set it hard enough to find the top shooters at the top, I can see why they may go to step 2 to make really sure. If it has reached stage 3 then maybe it's a bit gratuitous? But as Allison said; no averages are being damaged so it really is just a case of same for all.


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