Dubai Tournament

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Hamster you don't  have a valid point!   Over the years as a groung owner I have had smart ***** who said that I should only pay prize money in AA ans A class!

When you run a shoot its primarily to earn money, if you pay 6 places in AA and 4 in A class you don't have a shoot cos B and C class shooters ain't going to come!

Before you say that it will encourage B and C class shooters to get into AA or A, some shooters will never  get out of these classes because don't have the ability.

I would like to say well shot to Chris Biddlecombe from Glos. He worked hard to prepare for this tournament.

A good bloke and an awesome shot.

Superb with a GBR next to his name also.  :king: :king: :king: :king: :king:

The answer is always somewhere in the middle, Juniors will get their chance to win when they hit the senior ranks, Vets will have (presumably) been there done that through their earlier days, remember all good things come to an end, older sportsmen from other sports don't ask for special treatment so why must we ? Ladies makes perfect sense since they can't change sex. 

The reason I believe (this level of prize money) needs to go to the top scorers is that as much as I agree practice makes perfect etc etc, the reality is that they made a choice to dedicate themselves to that practice. Yes of course there is luck involved for all sorts of elements coming together to help you, such as early parental support, good hand and eye co-ordination, talent, dedication, understanding wife, physical attributes and of course financial wherewithal and sponsorship but then that's true of everything; I'd still be livid for not looking like Brad Pitt or having Branson's drive and ideas. 

Many many years ago despite knowing deep down that I had a tiny bit of talent and potential, I made a conscious decision not to allow shooting to rule my life because I could see there was no money in it, 99% of us made the same decision. Those who didn't and persevered should therefore be able to benefit the most, at least financially.

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Looking at the scores, one could easily assume a lot of our top shots were not ready for those type of targets ? was it due to the target quality we see week in week out ? well it def did not help

I think many will be a lot nearer the mark next time, they may not get the practise on this type of target at reg shoots but I am sure they all know what has to be done.

This shoot was provided by a man, whose wealth is unimaginable, only succumbed by his generosity. so I feel it is only respectful to give it your best while there, by this I mean being ready for the big gaps and long targets, where and when you can do that here ? under competition conditions who knows ? practise may not be enough on its own so maybe there should be a higher standard of speed and distance and some shoots, they could be labeled as such when advertised ?

Do we need to up it at majors, ?? there seems to be a fine line at the moment in the sport between those who want a test and those who want a big score ? dont think both are achievable for the majority you stay in the "keep everybody happy zone" or stretch out and see what can be done to up the anti, the classes are there for a reason so it may be wise for each county to hold a "pro" shoot annually to test the best , it would make sense if there was 1 each month somewhere so the top boys could compete in the required element .

doubt much will change at the majors this year !! I think its time to dig out my passport, shorts,and sun hat... you gotta want some of that as a shooter of any level
keep me a seat!!!
I think we missed matts point in an earlier post if the final was a scratch start the two eng shooter would have been 1st and joint 3rd! Not taking anything away from gebben and the other finalists .......just
if my Aunty had bollocks she would be my uncle!!
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It is via UK Sport and Sport England....but it is as you say 'the top chosen shooters'.

It is £3.91 million from UK SPORT for shooting up to Rio from UK Sport and £1 million for shooting from Sport England.
Does anyone know or could give a breakdown of how the £ 1 m sport England money is used? It seems like a lot of money and I don't really see much support such as coaching, development days and the like for shotgun competitors outside the GB team. Does it go on joung shots days, england team travel ( although I thought this was funded by the cpsa) etc or does most go on rifle and air gun teams?

this really hard to type. . My phone screen is smshed..

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You would have to ask Cpsa for that answer :wink:

Ah iv just opened my emails and found a message from the one and only Gebben Miles, I sent him a email wishing him luck in the comp once I knew I had his ticket, and he simply said "done" oozing self confidence this guy.

As for next year....nobody who went this year will know exactly what to expect!! Sheikh Ahmed told me what he plans and it certainly wont be easier!!!! As for the scores and attendance, he really isnt too worried whether he gets 400 shooters or 1000 shooters, hes more interested in quality rather than quantity.  There were those who moaned about the targets, and yes they were far more extreme than the norm, even when compared to old style fitasc but if hes calling the shots he can do what he likes..... and he will be next year! .  FITASC will not be involved in any way going forward so any moans about it not being a proper FITASC event are fairly pointless........

some video from the shoot

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I don't agree with the argument on here that "The shoot has the biggest prize fund in the world, so the targets must reflect this and be the tougest in the world"

If this shoot was won on 183 ex 200   20 targets easier for everyone across the board,  with the ambienceof the shoot, the facilities, the generocity of the prince etc.,  how many shooters would post on here "sod that its too easy I'mm not going back"

Rule 1. in target setting, don't take the urine out of the shooters!  eyesight tests, unshootable doubles etc and remember not every shooter is 28 years old with 20/20 vision.

cyril your statement above is bang on and this is what i have said over the past week 

too many macho egos think its good to miss hard targets !!!!!!


cyril your statement above is bang on and this is what i have said over the past week 

too many macho egos think its good to miss hard targets !!!!!!

Steve, you must know by now that I have always said the same thing as you and Cyril with regards to having the targets at sensible speeds and distances to make it balanced but the Sheikh must have reasoned that his particular shoot wasn't going to be best served by being the same as elsewhere, it HAD to be different, it HAD to be harder. He turned out to be right because this shoot had everyone on their laptops straining to see what was happening and at the end of the day the winner has to hit more than the next person.

He made sure people who'd travelled thousands of miles to shoot got the experience of their lives in entertainment and hospitality and saw and shot at targets they'd not seen before.

Steve, if you put on those type of targets on your grounds, you would be out of work inside a month!

Just got back from Dubai,

The organisation and shoot was absolutely phenomenal, for those that didn't go think of your wildest expectation and then triple it!!!

The banquet before the shoot was unreal, the food,dancing,fireworks,live show was out of this world

This shoot for the whole package will not be surpassed, until maybe next year :)

Yes the targets were mega tough, the wind did change some layouts during the day, a couple of the sim pairs were pretty tasty, but at the end of the day this has took clay shooting to another level, the prize giving ceremony was like that of a tennis or golf tournament, it's sheikh Ahmeds project and I don't think he will be swayed nor he should

Roll on next year!!

Well said Chris.

P.s. Peeps for information....he is called Ahmad...!!

Ahmad Mohammad Hasher Al Maktoum. Even our newspapers get it wrong...

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Hamid, re your post about target level. Broadly I would agree, but it seems this shoot was so unique that it was never ever going to feel like anywhere else. So if backed off just a touch it might be a nice gesture to the lower half of the field. Of course it is the case that when a shoot is a touch easier it makes about 2% difference to the top guys , but about 10% difference to the cannon fodder like me.

Chubby, when you at W. London keep you ear to the ground its supprising what you may hear?

!. The prize money winners are all going to say this was the best targets ever! 

2. shooters like Ben R.F. R. King, Andy Moon and John Pool are not going to say anything detrimental on this wesite its bad policy and they want to be Mr Nice Guy.

3. No one wants to be the first shooter to say it was not good fitasc because no one wants to be the villain!

4. The wannabees that shot 5 or 6 a layout wouldent know a good fitasc target if it hit them in the head! :crazy:  
My first post!

On return from Dubai comp, I am still reliving some of the birds i should have killed and some that I didn't have a clue on, but would love to shoot again! If this is the Cyril I know he used to put on bloody excellent targets at Wylie, the Grand Prix being the highlight, but he could be a miserable old g..t, ESP when parting with money!

I loved the Dubai competition, I managed a 21 on a layout and it was like winning the lottery! Unfortunately I followed it with a 16!

I had a very interesting chat with Biddy, I feel this was FITASC like it used to be, he disagreed very strongly! and feels FITASC entries are dropping, that the normal shooter is being disheartened by tough targets and not returning, he is all for targets within the 40m etc.I wouldn't want to shoot it this tough every weekend but correct for a World Championship. Clint, you would have bloody loved it.

A suggestion could be to put a FITASC advertised as European style (high scoring) or Old style FITASC , or Dubai style, to gauge the interest?

The shoot off was super human tough, as you can see from the scores, my opinion way too tough, a Simo pair off a tele handler at speed thrown to the ground, the top shots were lucky to hit 1/4, Gebben 0/4. The cheer that went up when Sean hit a pair was amazing, best cheer of the day.

I can't wait for Dubai 2015

:fie:  Rob, you  always said the nicest things about me :fie:   for a guy who wears two milk bottles for glasses you can shoot a bit! (there you are I said something nice about you! :crazy:  ).  I bet David Jameson could have kicked your ass? :crazy:  
