Ear protection, your preference ..

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I have beed using foam plugs with these Peltors over the top.

At frst I didnt like the cans as they sometimes touched the stock, I then noticed the cans can be uncliped and turned thru 180 degrees so the profile is much slimmer towards the bottom - works a treat! :)

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Don't listen to any of this mincing macho cobblers that plays down the importance of ear protection.

I used foam ear plugs, or those soft rubber plugs that you poke in your ear for about 5 years.

I will now have a semi-loud hissing in my head 24 hours a day and will have for the rest of my life. F***ing outstanding. :yell:

Get effective protection and use it always, even for one shot.

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Surprised that no-one has said a pair of "Thigh's"

Not good for gun mount, but keeps the sound out! :D
Keep your ears warm as well :)

I started using Laser Lite foam plugs recently (use them for motorcycling) but the performance is highly dependent on how well you insert them and messing about with them on the line is a bit of a distraction. Therefore I have reverted back to a pair of passive muffs i've had for 20 years (can't remember the make but they are green :) ).

Been looking at alternatives recently as the sound under a cover trap line is sometimes a bit loud and thought about the Beretta Prevail ones in black (they look good and not too expensive) but not many good write ups regarding quality. Also been looking at electronic ones but can't decide on which ones are best and won't interfere with gun mount.

Probably get a pair of Peltor Sportac. Anyone had any issues with these?


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Don't listen to any of this mincing macho cobblers that plays down the importance of ear protection.

I used foam ear plugs, or those soft rubber plugs that you poke in your ear for about 5 years.

I will now have a semi-loud hissing in my head 24 hours a day and will have for the rest of my life. F***ing outstanding. :yell:

Get effective protection and use it always, even for one shot.
Sound advice mate, and well said (sorry to hear about your Tinnitus). Always amazed me that some folks will spend whatever it takes on any number of aspects to do with their gun (ribs, recoil suppression systems, ported barrels etc.) and ignore spending gelt on the best ear protection.

I started using Laser Lite foam plugs recently (use them for motorcycling) but the performance is highly dependent on how well you insert them and messing about with them on the line is a bit of a distraction. Therefore I have reverted back to a pair of passive muffs i've had for 20 years (can't remember the make but they are green :) ).

Been looking at alternatives recently as the sound under a cover trap line is sometimes a bit loud and thought about the Beretta Prevail ones in black (they look good and not too expensive) but not many good write ups regarding quality. Also been looking at electronic ones but can't decide on which ones are best and won't interfere with gun mount.

Probably get a pair of Peltor Sportac. Anyone had any issues with these?

I've used solid Emtecs under f. big Peltors for 15yrs on trap. I have some blue Prevails which I tried once for trap. Took 'em straight off and reverted. Sportacs are only just good enough for sporting.

When refereeing you can communicate with the scorer using signs.

Middle finger = 1st barrel kill

First two fingers = 2nd barrel kill

Thumb and forefinger moved vigorously = loss

Thumb and forefinger to forehead = shooter error

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I use Peltor Sporttacs.

As a Newb still having lessons I wanted to be able to hear the coach and have conversation. So far I've been very happy with them.

+1 for 40UP advice.

If you shoot pre-mounted as in a Trap discipline you know that the comb is not going to 'ding' on the passive ear protector. So use the very best that you can get, not afford, steal if necessary. BIG Peltors are possibly the very best combined with Moulded plugs you are doing the best you can.

I am fortunate in having a thick skin and skull also, it does help.

For Game and Sporting I use plugs and Sordin electronics, brilliant.

Now to get the eyes and brain fixed.

Peltor or similar non electronic. In the past I have tried all sorts ie custom plugs, foam plugs, cotton wool or shreaded bits of last weeks daily mail. I havent been comfrotable with any of them.

+1 for 40UP advice.

If you shoot pre-mounted as in a Trap discipline you know that the comb is not going to 'ding' on the passive ear protector. So use the very best that you can get, not afford, steal if necessary. BIG Peltors are possibly the very best combined with Moulded plugs you are doing the best you can.

I am fortunate in having a thick skin and skull also, it does help.

For Game and Sporting I use plugs and Sordin electronics, brilliant.

Now to get the eyes and brain fixed.
Tip with MSA Sordin. put the button panel side where the stock is. (So, backwards for RH shooters..) This means the stock never touches.

Cans help stop damage through the bone at the back of the ear.......but I hate cans.......and I am already deaf due to many years game shooting without anything.......(definitely not recommended Newbies).

Moulded ear plugs for me.
Same for me. No one seemed to bother in the 70s and 80s. I still don't wear protection for game shooting although I am going to start this weekend!

My hearing has definitely suffered and in particular higher pitches People will often say my phone is ringing before I hear it.

Don't like the big cans as they affect my gun mount, so use Napier 9s.

I also use Peltor Sportac's that are electronic and very comfortable, however they can get pretty sticky on a warm day.

I now also have a pair of custom moulded Sonic Valves which are great once you get used to putting them in. Their price runs at about £90+ but are well worth it. Thje key is get what works best for you but don't loose sight of the fact that we only get supplied with one set of ears so it is worth looking after them.


This all very interesting as I am thinking of getting the Reactear plugs from here . Have been using these Howard Leight Impact Sport muffs but always have them switched off as I really don't like have everything amplified and they are too bulky for my little head and they make you hot.

Want to know what everyone thinks about the Reactear valve plugs please. Thanks a lot.

Don't go electronic. Big waste of money and you can hear what people say under their breath about you...............!!!
I like to hear what people say about me......It lets me know whose tyes to let down after i've shot! :cool:

I use cens hunters fantastic made to measure you wouldn't know you have them in.

This all very interesting as I am thinking of getting the Reactear plugs from here . Have been using these Howard Leight Impact Sport muffs but always have them switched off as I really don't like have everything amplified and they are too bulky for my little head and they make you hot.

Want to know what everyone thinks about the Reactear valve plugs please. Thanks a lot.
My wife and I had an ultimate set made each. Ours were the electronic version. The material was really hard, which was 'OK' comfort wise, but they worked their way out of the ear I found. The ones in the link you posted are silicon, so assume softer. My wife still loves hers.

I now wear MSA headphones mostly, as they are light and thin, block sound well, have volume control and are comfy. When it's hot I wear a passive pair of custom inserts that I had made years ago. Very soft and comfy. Can't remember the make..

Peltor Sportacs for me too. The 'gain' is adjustable so if you don't want to hear conversations nearby you just turn them down. A couple of years ago I was shooting one sunday morning, blathered a couple of targets in style and plainly heard "bet he is using full choke in both barrels"...when I left the cage the nearest shooters were about 20ft away. I walked past said "good morning and that was half and quarter choke" - we had a good laugh about it - the Peltors are good but as others have said your ears can get a bit warm in summer and a headache will ensue if the gain is turned up too far.


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