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On 8/29/2020 at 9:01 AM, Lloyd Pattison said:

I watched that review 3 times, then tried to order. Unfortunately they bumped up the price from the quoted £399 to £409 and then I have to pay for the fitting myself. Currently between £50 & £70 depending on where you go. I know you can't put a price on your hearing but pushing £500 for the absolute basic. Sorry mucker had to give them a miss.

Sticking to disposable for pigeon and over ear for clays.

Still liked your review though 👍

Regarding battery life of A13 zinc air batteries, they are expected to last in hearing aids approximately 150 hours. As @Freddypip said, this means you go for a couple of hours shooting one weekend , the batteries are likely dead the by next weekend.

The A13 Battery will have a life of approximately 300mAh (milli Amps per hour) 

If we divide 300mAh by 150 hours, we can reasonably assume our device consumed 2mAh

Therefore, if we used a silver oxide battery, with about 1/4 the energy density (circa 80mAh) of the zinc air battery and a similar and very stable voltage, we would get approximately 40 hours use. 

being able to turn off the battery, by switching or removal, our couple of hours shooting of a weekend would theoretically yield 20 weeks use.

the A13 costs about 25p per unit, purchased 60 at a time, whereas the silver oxide bought in similar numbers would cost about 3x that.

Therefore, unless I’ve made a schoolboy error (not unlikely) then the A13 costs £5  for 20 weeks shooting, whereas the SR48 silver oxide battery would, if managed well, would cost less than £1.

Am now wondering if there are possibly issues I’m unaware of, using a SR48 over a A13

To be fair though, If I’m going to quibble over less than what amounts to 20p a week, then I really ought not to be buying £400 ear plugs.

I can only shoot about 30 times a year so a batch of A13 will last me two years!

I only really wanted to go the digital route to hopefully make it easier to hear my coach. If I were in a competition, I’d want to turn them off and a passive would be just as suitable. Come to think of it, a passive module might be a good idea, rather than overly risk the digital ones when not really required.

My son uses industrial foam plugs as he says he couldn’t live with paying £400’s of “idiot tax” if he were to lose a module.

My son

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On the subject of CENS:

* I bought this pack of cells in 2018 I wear my plugs three times a week for avg 3-4 hours at a time, I have still not un out of this original box. I think I have maybe 10 or 15 left.

* I have never tried Vario so I will admit I cannot comment, if Vario would like to get in touch I will happily work with them to do some testing.

* I have had impressions taken by a local audiologist and by Paul at Plugzz, I still have both sets and both fit pretty well perfect. No issues leaving them in all day when I am working on a shoot rather than shooting. 

* Never had issue with CENS customer service as I haven't really dealt with them direct but everyone's experience is different and I can only speak for my own.

* Pricing wise I can only apologise Centrepin, the pricing was correct as far as I knew from earlier this year when I got mine.

* My old modules were purchased in 2017, (dug the receipt out of my email) and since I upgraded to the DX1s my wife is using them. They are still working fine. 

To quote Lloyd P,

"I wear my plugs three times a week for avg 3-4 hours at a time, I have still not run out of this original box. I think I have maybe 10 or 15 left."

In those circumstances I expect they work very well. For me its once every 2 weeks so the battery type & thus short life does become an issue. Reading up, what I found interesting is that the battery life can be conserved by putting them (perhaps still in the CENS) in an air tight container when not in use.

@Freddypip Think that may only slow the discharge rate at best. Once air or rather the oxygen from the air has entered the cell the process cannot be stopped. A vacuum may also further slow the discharge rate but I doubt it. Moisture also plays a role in this too. 
For me, the battery issue would be more of an annoyance than a cost issue. There is of course an environmental argument about the disposal of batteries. 
The “clean and green” electric car Is going to start causing problems in the next five to ten years. I digress 

Thanks Lloyd, been chasing guides to lube my gun up adequately since I first started a couple of years ago, and I get this is a tin of worms to a lot of people, so fair play. Nice to have a visual representation at last... also handy you had a Browning on show which made it particularly relevant to me! :)  

As an aside to hopefully help others, and as an alternative if you wanted to follow this religiously (seeing as you didn't advertise your make of grease), I use Schmierfix grease which is also clear, not too expensive, and apparently used and/or recommended by Krieghoff... not always the most popular gunmaker, but they must have some idea about how to maintain their metals. Comes in a nice squeezy tube making it easy and accurate to apply too. Lovely.

Thanks for the guide.

Seems to me the only thing I've been doing right with my shooting from day one, is the cleaning by the looks 😆

Thanks Lloyd, been chasing guides to lube my gun up adequately since I first started a couple of years ago, and I get this is a tin of worms to a lot of people, so fair play. Nice to have a visual representation at last... also handy you had a Browning on show which made it particularly relevant to me! :)  

As an aside to hopefully help others, and as an alternative if you wanted to follow this religiously (seeing as you didn't advertise your make of grease), I use Schmierfix grease which is also clear, not too expensive, and apparently used and/or recommended by Krieghoff... not always the most popular gunmaker, but they must have some idea about how to maintain their metals. Comes in a nice squeezy tube making it easy and accurate to apply too. Lovely.
I can save you loads of money El Spavo, Comma Multi Purpose Grease £6.99 for 500gm as against £6.50 for 50gm for Schmierfix grease. Getting the last bit out of the tube is not easy 😉

I've used grease for years with no galling at all.

I can save you loads of money El Spavo, Comma Multi Purpose Grease £6.99 for 500gm as against £6.50 for 50gm for Schmierfix grease. Getting the last bit out of the tube is not easy 😉

I've used grease for years with no galling at all.
Cheers dude, will contemplate in about 5 years time when the schmierfix runs out, then at 500g I'll be set for life! 😀

Locking... tangs?? 🤔🤨

Great. I would just add that the locking tangs are important and you seem to have missed those? 
Sorry Will I did mention the locking tangs in several of the takes I lost when the memory card sh*t itself. This take was getting late and I didn't notice I had a big greasy fingerprint on the lens of the GoPro but I was done in for the night and needed to get the edit done.  

Thanks Lloyd, been chasing guides to lube my gun up adequately since I first started a couple of years ago, and I get this is a tin of worms to a lot of people, so fair play. Nice to have a visual representation at last... also handy you had a Browning on show which made it particularly relevant to me! :)  

As an aside to hopefully help others, and as an alternative if you wanted to follow this religiously (seeing as you didn't advertise your make of grease), I use Schmierfix grease which is also clear, not too expensive, and apparently used and/or recommended by Krieghoff... not always the most popular gunmaker, but they must have some idea about how to maintain their metals. Comes in a nice squeezy tube making it easy and accurate to apply too. Lovely.
You are welcome man. 

so... wanna tell us what grease and oil you use.... 😏
Moi? Almost any light grease will do as there is no heavy pressure involved. I use a tube of Perazzi grease I got in 2007. You don't need much! I like Lloyds idea of a clear grease as you can see dirt. I remove all grease, clean surfaces and replace after every shoot or two at most so I'm not letting dirt build up anyway. I use Napier gun oil elsewhere. Again any light oil is fine as there is no pressure as exists in engines and gearboxes. I won't do a video, Lloyd is doing a great job and is the man for those. I may take some nerdy photos and make a couple of personally preferred points later.

As a newbie just getting into the sport Lloyd, I have watched quite a few of your videos on YT, and have subbed. Yes, there are others, and I watch a few of these channels regularly just to try and glean further insight into the different types of guns and equipment.

Such channels, along with peoples kind advice, are a good source... so long as we remember that ultimately it is our choice as to what we buy, that has to be made as well as we can!

Thank you for putting the time and effort in!

I won't do a video, Lloyd is doing a great job and is the man for those. I may take some nerdy photos and make a couple of personally preferred points later.
Notwithstanding the kudos to Lloyd (pleasure to watch, keep up the good work) I am disappointed that Will isn't doing a video. The more resources, the better. Nerdy photo's it'll have to be then 🤓


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