Sporting Shoots; where- and how was it? (2018)

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Shot EJC on Saturday, yes softer than normal but so easy to miss them.  It was a fun day out.  Today out in the dark back in the dark, hate the winter months for lack of daylight.  Orston first where is was chilly and not too bad when we got there. It soon started with a bit of sleety snow which I don’t mind too much but then rain which just makes it colder.  I shot okay but definitely dropped silly ones and orange going away against the gray/white sky cost Tony and I as you just lost them and they weren’t that difficult.  Enjoyed the round.   On to Kegworth and it snowed heavily on the way and whilst there and just at the end rain.   Two different stands with white targets on guess what .... SNOW.  Shot rubbish there but I think Martin Myers was leading on a 90 and looking down the scores they were not high so there we go.  William H you would be proud I shot in my fleece and despite really not liking it I kept it on.  Roll on better weather it’s becoming boring now.

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That’s the plan. I’m down for College Wednesday and Owls Thursday too! College might get the chop from me due to weather..
Some of us have to work occasionally ?

Me so if you can remember bring my cartridges 
Glen has them as I thought he'd see you at Churchills but he didn't.

He'll be at AGL too so keep an eye out for us. 

I did the F1 shoot at Sporting Targets. Basically F1 teams in theory but we were the only dedicated clay shooters team, so won it but personally I would ban us.. ? Shot with Salopian and Maxus plus Growl! And another chap David. I missed HG by 1 clay, on a course with several firm stands, including a Long battue that never showed face I only hit once. Made a change to shoot there and as it wasn’t a sunny day, none of the targets were in the sun.. ?


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College Farm yesterday and I was freezing, so didn’t shoot very well. A much nicer bit of weather today at Owls Lodge with some sun and lower wind; it felt like Barbados by comparison! Missed three longish crossers on stand 4 which felt odd, and missed a pair of rabbits because one jumped, which felt f**king annoying, so was happy to rescue a 92 on that card..

I thought you Southerners had jumping Rabbits again and moved nearer long crossers?????? 96 seems like a good score. :eek: :eek:       :wink: :wink:

Owls also, in squad witn Nick Portlock who shot high gun of 94, me a bit of a roller coaster shoot only with too few peaks and too many deep troughs, so much so Im considering not shooting again

Until Hornet & AGL tomorrow that is ?
I’m even crosser about my two rabbits now!

Shot AGL this morning after not bothering at all last weekend due to the crappy weather. Was a few degrees warmer than the forecast and the sun was out so was feeling warm in just a t-shirt and jumper. Started early so was done by 10:30. Was a bit worried about my shoulder as pulled something in the gym last week and it’s tight - but seemed to hold up ok. First few stands were sloppy but managed to sort myself out and finish on 85. Was very happy to straight the driven midi stand as has been my bogey bird recently.

Would have loved to have made AGL today, but want to save my leave for shooting in the summer.

How the other half live hey.....  :wink:
Kettle - pot ? as it panned out just Hornet, another untidy effort on my part, managed to perplex the poor chap following me and in his words “ never before seen same person shoot so well to badly on so many stands”  he meant well as it was a line delivered with feeling and I do have a habit of losing the plot after a couple of pairs, would be A class if the shoot was 25 stands of just two pairs ? One saw Nick Portlock put in another 94, think he was 60ish straight and we were all “shrug” when his first loss came.

Is it sunday yet? 


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