I know you know that Ian
I have some text missing there though don't know why. It should also have said "it is the trap discipline that the worlds top trap shooters aspire to"... by the way I don't think MD ,AA,DK et al. are whingers 
I've shot at Ychoux several times in fact I was the FITASC Technical Commission member who approved the ground in 2007 at the French national championships for FITASC to use it for the 2008 World Championships. I've also shot UT at Lazenay, Valence, Poussan, Megeve, Charmentray, Arras, Cabannes, Villeneuve sur Lot, Antibes, Nancy, Chatelaillon sur Page and Corsica although they don't regard themselves as French.I do not shoot ABT Phil only UT and OT. There is another trap discipline that is shot at small clubs here and that is Fosse American it is similar in concept to ABT. I think the angles are the same but is very different in that the targets all have the same trajectory. The speed of the targets is similar to a fast UT target but is of course constant. You shoot a lot in France you will know that UT is the top trap followed by OT. Clubs here are owned by the members so although there are a few with OT such a set up is expensive and requires constant maintenance of 15 traps and a bit more space. The clubs I shoot at in summer and winter have UT and OT.
Off at a slight tangent. At the weekend I was talking with two French shooters who, like yourself, shoot in international events. They are scathing of the grounds that are used for such events in France! For example the UT Euros at Ychoux they think that the ground whilst functional is not acceptable in other respects, similarly with the ground being used for the DTL comp at Cestas. Both said that France had to take a lead from the likes of Spain and Italy ( Granada and lonato ?) where the grounds used for big events are super according to both. We did agree though that at club level shooters in France are getting a good deal for what they pay the average for a round of UT or OT is €3.50 which is a good bit less than £3. Be good to get your take on that because you will have no doubt shot these grounds before.
If that were true they would give it the club house from Jebel Ali Shooting ClubIf carlsburg did shooting grounds they would probably copy EYCC :maninlove:
Yep last time i shot there i got wet :crazy:Bit like the layout covers at NCSC. Perfect to shade the users from the desert sun but useless at providing any protection from the vagaries of English weather.
FWIW a ref I have says that the UIT and ISU recognized Automatic Trap in 1962. In what I read the efforts of Winchester in developing a machine was instrumental in making that happen. And it was intended to be a substitute, not stepping stone, to OT which simply did not have a great deal of international support post-WW2 due to the cost of the OT installation (and the unfortunate situation where the pigeon shooters were consistently kicking clay target shooters' *****). And of course it never caught on in the US, prolly 'cause it's toooooooooooo hard!Am i right in saying ABT was first started in France when they shot balls of glass filled with feathers !
and was never started as a poor mans OT
The sad truth is that there is no set of rules that anyone lives by. Wobble shoots are very few and are AFAIK only club events and the format is on the ad hoc order. Generally it is shot from the 21yd line and cranked up to whatever feels happy at the moment. The only existing for real ABT that I know of is in Phoenix and I've not seen it but reliable informants say it is pure. There was one at Miramar in San Diego (and an OT) but that was on US Navy property and a new base commander shut it down a few yrs ago. MFer!I believe the US version of abt is refered to as wobble trap. Charlie out of curiosity what speed and angles is your version ?
I also know a few who would have a go if they didn't have to Ref - I must admit I was daunted at the task when I first tried ABT but actually enjoyed it & learnt a lot from watching the experienced guys shoot. I'm having a practice on Thursday following an operation - if all goes well I'll be at Beverly for the Lincs County/Selection shoot on SundayI say again the best way to attract people to abt is don't make them ref. I have heard time and time again from many dtl and indeed past abt shooters that it's the primary reason for not shooting it.