Things that make you go arrgghhhh......

Clay, Trap, Skeet Shooting Forum

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People who moan about investment bankers and CEO's etc etc etc for getting (for instance) 1Million pound bonus's for having brains and carrying out what must be a VERY stressfull job and yet do not bat an eyelid about sportsmen and women who earn 300k (for instance) per week for kicking a ball about or whatever, AND not only that but seem to treat them as some kind of GOD'S.

I don't get it, aarghh

I agree

I have met Fred Goodwin and Steven Hester, both of RBS fame.  What a difference.  The first deserved, how can I put this, a long holiday somewhere safe!.  Hester on the other hand has always seemed very genuine and honest and looked you in the eye during meetings, I can even say I liked him but as you infer business is business and if they conduct it honestly and with morals then they deserve performance bonuses'  If they don't then they deserve what they get.

As for football, if I was paying my team about £3m every time they play then I would expect every game to won and no excuses. I would prefer a decent salary and a whopping bonus if they won championships or leagues etc.

Phew, feel better for getting that off my chest 


had the week from hell thank F its friday, its enough to make you sign on the dole.

Tossers who leave glass bottles in the gutter. Car tyres and Chav beer don't mix.GGGRRRRRRR:angry:

"Thats when the fight started"

Women joggers with pony tales bouncing about from side to side, god that looks ridiculous.

Or even just joggers in general Just driven down southport promenade and there was loads of em, thought they were in the south of france but the sea being about 2 miles out was the give away that it wasnt. Havent these people got anything better to do like sit down relax and smoke a ***, all that exercise cant be good for you.

just jolly well saying.

Having to go shopping in London in the first place.

Then having to contend with knobeads who can't be arsed to look where they're walking, because they're too busy looking at their bloody phones,

Eventually started to nudge them into the path of someone else which made me feel a little better.

London or indeed any city or town centre is fraught with danger and full of less than savoury characters. Do not venture into such places thats what I say :)

Work !

thank f its Friday, what a week- aagh

Women joggers with pony tales bouncing about from side to side, god that looks ridiculous.

Or even just joggers in general Just driven down southport promenade and there was loads of em, thought they were in the south of france but the sea being about 2 miles out was the give away that it wasnt. Havent these people got anything better to do like sit down relax and smoke a ***, all that exercise cant be good for you.

just jolly well saying.
from 1936

I am reminded of Durante’s recent gag.

Stooge: “What do you do when you feel the need for exercise?”

Durante: “I lie down until the feeling wears off.”

4 hours after getting off a 10 hour flight from Vegas, some lowlife scum breaks into my factory.
Finally get the place boarded up and SOCO sorted out at 3.30am.
Really really pissed off

4 hours after getting off a 10 hour flight from Vegas, some lowlife scum breaks into my factory.

Finally get the place boarded up and SOCO sorted out at 3.30am.

Really really pissed off
They are bastards. Hope they find them.

Mind you these days if they do find them....they rarely get to court.

Or they get prosecuted for a lower charge (as it is easier and quicker through the court system....which is in a sh*te load of trouble at the minute).

They are bastards. Hope they find them.

Mind you these days if they do find them....they rarely get to court.

Or they get prosecuted for a lower charge (as it is easier and quicker through the court system....which is in a sh*te load of trouble at the minute).
They'll never find them.

We were last done a couple of years ago.

Caught a pikey van on CCTV. Reg plate was a known number that gets used on various vehicles. Got the impression plod didn't want the hassle of visiting  a pikey site.

Had a phone call this morning with a crime number and that's that.

Now if I was to suggest that I should sit here with my gun and wait for the bastards to come back........

Where I work got done over last Easter Bank Holiday weekend when nobody is about for four days, along with a dozen other properties on the Industrial estate. CCTV all over the place, vehicle details and plates known but no charges ever brought about. Rear fire doors destroyed but luckily they saw we only do books so didn't nick any stock (that says something about our product?).Plod not interested as nothing stolen, forgetting completely the cost to replace the doors (criminal damage perhaps??). Mentioned fitting Man-traps for the next occasion and had a verbal warning that I was a very bad person and this would not be tolerated.

There's just no justice anymore??   Why are the victims always made to feel like criminals?  :spiteful:


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