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Normal glasses suitable for sun should suffice (Oakley fire etc etc ) Black clay on sand is a fair target and will be seen much easier than a blaze on sand.

My views on the shoot so far? (for them that want to read them?)

Positive!  The opulance of the rest areas and dining areas are beyond belief!

Positive The food for lunch, breakfast etc., is fabulous and  tonights dinner looks a million dollars. 

Positive Roads and infrastucture 100%!

Negative!  Most of the traps are in open view, nothing to judge distance with. topography poor.

Negative Scores in practise are far to low, lots of face like smacked *****.

Had the advertisments for this shoot shown the facilities on offer, they would probably filled this shoot up instead of half full. 

Agreed Nicola, but see my other post on General Discussion. I think there will be lots of hard luck stories of clays missed in the heat haze and sand dust 'storms' ( shifting sand). But it certainly looks like a very well organised event. I know I really am a Dinosaur but it would be interesting to do the numbers and see if the event is viable in the future , is it a tourist attraction gold mine , etc., what is the motivation, the driving force. As they say you can never get enough of a good thing, this plus the American Pro Series could be one hell of a springboard.

Valid observations Guru...but now it is happening is time to sit back and enjoy the show....I have just been watching the duelling Arab horsemen spectacular at the opening dinner. Bet they are having a laugh.

Agreed Nicola, but see my other post on General Discussion. I think there will be lots of hard luck stories of clays missed in the heat haze and sand dust 'storms' ( shifting sand). But it certainly looks like a very well organised event. I know I really am a Dinosaur but it would be interesting to do the numbers and see if the event is viable in the future , is it a tourist attraction gold mine , etc., what is the motivation, the driving force. As they say you can never get enough of a good thing, this plus the American Pro Series could be one hell of a springboard.
I have made a post early days on both subjects that are somewhere on these boards. They will run it each year and want to get the prize money up to one million by year 3. This shoot will survive because of the powerful backing it has and the amount of Fitasc royalty that has travelled out there. Just watch this space on both topics :wink:


You posted whilst I was writing. Give them a chance for goodness sake. How hard would it be to put a hoarding over the trap locations ? Build a mirage of an oasis, an odd palm tree planted, a sponsored vehicle like Mitsubishi do at Badmington that bit is easy, give them half a chance will you.

Let's see what the competitors say once it's all over . The man who never made mistakes never made anything.

Please can everyone stop picking on 'parts' of what Guru says and look at the whole picture of what he is trying to get across and just ignore the negative bits ...which i am sure he is very sorry for now anyway.

Cor i might even get some practice in for a punt next year....but no way will it be bikinis on the beech for me...!!

Have a nice weekend.

The black targets show up really well on the sand

I think today shot harder as under new rules there are no target type on the menus !!!!!!!!!

So far I've heard;

Targets too fast

Incomers too far away, too much time

Shot behind the birds, shells too slow

Shot in front of the birds, shells too fast

Shells too punchy

Shells too soft

Light unfair

Rabbits in sand move too much

Blah blah!

Yep, some decent wraparounds with full sun protection will do the job just max orange needed out here!

Out of interest Ed (Lyons) what tint are you finding is working best for you? What % light transmission and what colour?

And Ed (Solomons) I take it you don't need to put your cartridges on the radiator to rev them up a bit?  :biggrin:


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