Dubai Tournament

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Sounds like a fantastic time. How are the speedo's fitting Steve? Need to stay chilled

Happy days have fun

Is there any truth in the rumour Kev Sherratt is wearing his JCB welding mask?

Just got back from the opening dinner.....instead of being talked at for 2 hours there was a 30 second speech from our host in which he confirmed next years prize fund...other than that it was just incredible! jaw dropping, phenomenal, unforgettable......running out of superlatives...... :)

heres a few pics.....btw night work isnt really my speciality, so yes, I know they arent all perfect.....

Sian, I was told a month ago that a Cpriot called Yanis set the targets? but I have no confirmation of this.

Anyone who criticises this and what they have done here needs there are arses kicked , maybe they are not used to good targets !!!!!!!

A very generous man has put on what is reported as a great event. If onlywe had a royal family who liked shooting and had a bit of spare cash, they could put something like this on.

The website still shows training day squads, though we should all have at least our own squad details! I'm in 33...

From my perspective, I'd say the targets are somewhat on the hard side, though more due to the lack of a background than the actual trajectories. The theory expounded by some is that the organisers don't want it to be won with a 198. It won't be! The danger is that middle of the pack shooters, which I probably am, won't get respectable scores and might be discouraged from coming back next year.

Overall, it is a major achievement to start big from scratch and it really does look like it will be a success. Neither the doom-mongers nor the cheerleaders are wholly right, but on balance the organisers are doing more right than wrong. I hope it becomes an annual event, but one that shooters of all (reasonable) levels can enjoy.

Abd bext year, maybe some matting to walk on...

My thoughts are that shooting against he sand is all a bit new. Once they see it won on 170 and that the masses are hitting 90-120, they may well adjust for next year..

I would rather see it won on 170-180.
If I shoot well against hard targets and score 120 odd then it won't stop me coming back.
Quite the opposite.


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