Things that make you go arrgghhhh......

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Poor Sian, feel better soon.

For me it's being made to wear a hat at a registered shoot! Aren't glasses and ear defenders enough?

Kentskeet said:
I didn't know hats were compulsory ! Is that just for sporting ?
Yes it the new CPSA safety ruling, different colurs will be available depending upon your grade:-

Unclassified will be bright Yellow, C class will be White, B Class will be Blue, A Class will be Red and AA -AAA Class will be Black.

:nyam: :nyam:

Whatever next, full PPE I expect ....

Hi viz vest

Steal toe caps


Safety goggles


Kentskeet said:
I didn't know hats were compulsory ! Is that just for sporting ?
I don't think they are compulsory but Churchills won't let you shoot their sporting without a hat. Not sure if there are any other grounds that enforce this?

I've never seen it at another ground Jayne... but I always manage to wind the one referee up that has a go at me about this, by wearing a very thin, Nike beanie hat - more like a skull cap... he HATES it when I put that on, because it is no protection at all!   There are very few stands at EJC that need a hat - the tower of course, and the Grouse Butts sometimes. 

still hurts when the clay falls on your head even with a cap. I managed to have a little shard catch the tip of my ear last Sunday with my hat on. The peak is the only bit that offers a little protection.

I don't think they are compulsory but Churchills won't let you shoot their sporting without a hat. Not sure if there are any other grounds that enforce this?
It's an odd thing, one or two of their refs weren't wearing ear protection today I noticed !

Being let down by Sub-contractors when given a start date to undertake modifications, as I'm the one that has to deal with an irate client who is threating alsorts of reprecussions should the item which should have been changed tomorrow cause them to lose power  and business in the interim until the parts can be replaced. :banghead:

I've never seen it at another ground Jayne... but I always manage to wind the one referee up that has a go at me about this, by wearing a very thin, Nike beanie hat - more like a skull cap... he HATES it when I put that on, because it is no protection at all!   There are very few stands at EJC that need a hat - the tower of course, and the Grouse Butts sometimes. 
Thanks Matt, I'll remember to bring a knotted handkerchief next time!!!!

Yes it the new CPSA safety ruling, different colurs will be available depending upon your grade:-

Unclassified will be bright Yellow, C class will be White, B Class will be Blue, A Class will be Red and AA -AAA Class will be Black.

:nyam: :nyam:
What colour do you get if you cant hit a barn door at 50 paces?   ;)

I've never seen it at another ground Jayne... but I always manage to wind the one referee up that has a go at me about this, by wearing a very thin, Nike beanie hat - more like a skull cap... he HATES it when I put that on, because it is no protection at all!   There are very few stands at EJC that need a hat - the tower of course, and the Grouse Butts sometimes. 
 With my track record .  If you look very closley at my head,  you can see the dent that goes well into the lower layers of the scalp due to me headbutting a TV . , and the light patch where i scalped  myself doing some DIY 

Falling clays are small fry .

Bright Yellow with a big  KEEP CLEAR sign on your back... :nyam: :haha: :haha:

Problem is you would hit the barn and dust it and say "Where did that go????" like that rabbit at Owls .
It was only because i thought id missed it .  :D

did a bit of teal dusting today..   impressed my youngest no end ...  (and me :biggrin: )


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Being on a 91 finish at 75 (OT) but ending on 84. You do the math :(
